Who is your favorite female video game character?
Who is your favorite female video game character?
I'm just gonna say it. BUILT FOR BBC
Princess Ruto. Most of the other Zelda girls toy around with weasel words and Link can't read sexual/romantic motives into them without being made out to be the bad guy if he's wrong, but Ruto tells him in no uncertain terms she wants him as more than a friend.
Yeah, she's arrogant too. Who cares? Better she be open about it than try to hide it.
From a narrative standpoint, probably Kreia.
Imagine fucking a Loli fish
I'm pretty sure Link and Ruto would've limited themselves to just kissing when they were kids user.
Also boning aquatic life is wrong because they can't consent. I'm thinking a sapient adult fish-creature knows exactly what she's doing when she continues to refer to Link as her fiancee.