Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?

Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?

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I'm just gonna say it. BUILT FOR BBC

They buffed Roadhog a fat op pos hero that needed nerfs instead.

Ive only ever jacked off to the brown girls.

20+ min. queue times for everything but Tank, even in unranked. Plain and simple. The alternating pool or perma-banned champs is just icing on the cake.

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I never started playing it

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same threads every single day from overwatchfaggots
neck yourselves

Where are the gameplay webms, I need to fap

can you imagine being in charge of what was briefly the most popular video game in the world, and you turn it into this?

Attached: overwatch in 2019.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

It's not fun