Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?
Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?
Cameron Morales
Ryder Sanchez
I'm just gonna say it. BUILT FOR BBC
Jason Thomas
They buffed Roadhog a fat op pos hero that needed nerfs instead.
Luke Nguyen
Ive only ever jacked off to the brown girls.
James Anderson
20+ min. queue times for everything but Tank, even in unranked. Plain and simple. The alternating pool or perma-banned champs is just icing on the cake.
Jordan Young
I never started playing it
Colton Bell
same threads every single day from overwatchfaggots
neck yourselves
Connor Anderson
Where are the gameplay webms, I need to fap
Michael Lewis
can you imagine being in charge of what was briefly the most popular video game in the world, and you turn it into this?
Daniel Williams
It's not fun