What's the best BR on the market right now?

What's the best BR on the market right now?

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built for bbc



i'd love to get a whiff of that if you catch my drift fellow Zig Forumsros..

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>What's the best Brazilian on the market right now?


I don’t know but my roommate plays Apex every day for literally 5+ hours. I don’t understand it. I’ve played all the big BR games and they’re fun once in a while, but I don’t see how someone can invest that much time into this type of game. It’s all he plays too.

Yeah im thinking I should just off myself because I cant achieve this

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Why is she pretending to play a video game?

>socks on

Imagine her sitting on your face while she games

totally not a prerecorded video being played on that tv :)

>HEY I SEE YOU GUYS TALKING ASS, BREASTS, WOMEN, AND WHO YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT BLACK PENIS THOUGH. BLACKED! as a nonwhite incel with a 3 inch penis i'm an expert on what white women want so i need to tell you about black penis. YOU MAD? yeah BLACK PENIS. I'M TROLLING BRO. I SPEND ALL DAY POSTING BLACK PENIS TO TROLL. NO I'M NOT A HOMO FOR LOOKING AT BLACK PENIS ALL DAY AND TALKING ABOUT IT. it's 60 old american white cuck boomers spamming blacked everywhere. IT'S NOT ME. IT'S NOT NONWHITES DOING IT. it's boomer cuckolds spamming it to troll epic style! HEY LOOK AT THIS BLACKED IMAGE AS PROOF

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Okay but where can I get more of this?

this fucking whore is clearly pretending to play the game

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Pretty good fake if true because she presses R2 at the exact moment she shoots

With the monetary success of Twitch, tons of people are trying to figure out how to best capitalize on the "lonely nerd" demographic.

my friend got me to play it after he found out i enjoyed titanfall 2

compared to arma 3 BR and pubg it doesn't feel so fucking janky but its not a game i ever look back at playing and say "oh hey that was a good use of time"

like its fun to play in the moment but i feel like i've been tricked somehow, know what i mean?

i really hate all the finding and gathering shit and running you do- titanfall is so much more fun and fast and there's so much less downtime

New Season just came out, buy the pass over at Blizzard I guess.

I have sex daily and you don't, femcel :)

>presses the trigger
>nothing happens on screen
Women arent made for anything that requires hand eye coordination, just look good, eat hot chip and lie

God, imagine her getting Blacked.

No you dont wh*Tey your shriveled little crab penis doesn't get any action

She looks like she fucks black guys

Why is this also the first thing pop up in my head when I read BR.


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Fortnite, unironically. Still not something I dump a ton of time into but it is fun sometimes, especially since my normie friends can play with me and not just my PC bros.

the real issue with these kinds of games is how long they stretch out combat for.

combat in these games often boils down to "shoot enemy in the head, they move behind a tree and go back up to full heath" repeat repeat repeat repeat, and that using resources for combat at anything except the last fight of the game isn't a good idea. having fun (aka shooting eachother and figthing over items) seems to be directly at odds with the goal of the game (be the last player alive) which to me is a massive issue


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how could you tell, the artifacting or the video switching to a different clip

no, she's really playing it


Holy fuck, I've seen some pathetic shit on this website but this truly takes the cake.

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imagine (you) getting blacked ;)

You played MMOs in the mid 2000s probably

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