why does Zig Forums hate it? I thought the story and setting was fucking KINO.
Why does Zig Forums hate it? I thought the story and setting was fucking KINO
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I don’t want to support CCP
Journey to the West is vastly overrated.
Still better than US degeneracy
>this is your brain on US propaganda
It's never gonna come out. Remember Lost Soul Aside? It's been in development for 6 years.
As long as the game is good I don't care if the game is made by commies (Disco Elysium as an examplr, hell most Western devs are are far left these days) but I'll reserve my optimism because Chinese developers have a tendency of showcasing excellent gameplay during promotional advertisements while vastly underperforming with the actual game.
Final Fantasy 15 was in development for longer.
>made in China
It never stood a chance on here. Not only does /vpol/ automatically hate it over "muh CCP", but keep in mind that weebs hate it too, since Japan doesn't like China, and weebs just parrot all the beliefs of their Yamato overlords.
I hate chinks that's all.
Also chink plebbit mods are mad.
Gameplay looks good I'm /cautiouslyoptimistic/
Then again like some user a few posts up said, it wouldnt be the first Chinagame that looks good in a trailer and plays vastly different. Hell, just check any mobile game advertisement ever made
Literally inspired DBZ and Naruto
isn't this the first game that actually got a good reception world-wide. China all about face and if they can't perform China will lose face.
From what i've heard they got a good amount of the scenarios/assets already made, they're also getting a shitload of offers from the big chinese gaming companies (netease, tencent) trying to buy em out.
Low-quality bait.
two awful animes
Why aren't asian longboi dragons more common in videogames?
Game looks good to me
Please no
amerilard resentment at the last hope for the human race
Tired of darksouls clones tbqh.
Because retarded americans doesn't know The Monkey King kino, just like they don't know how good Doraemon is
Clearly the market that has bought literally hundreds of versions of RotK in almost every media format is just RACIST by not being as interested in another story from Chinese literature.
The fact that amerifats are seething, means that's It's going to be a great game
>Loosely inspired the first arc of the original Dragon Ball, and Naruto was inspired by Dragon Ball.
I'm actually more tired of the "Medieval Fantasy" RPG games which are nothing more than another rehash of Tolkiens Elves, Dwarves and Orcs (and their variations) for the millionth time
why he is monkey
I'm pretty tired of Dark Souls clones, and I've also been tired of turning a comical character or story into Grimdark since the 90s.
This opinion itself is old and cliche, been hearing it since 2002.
>This opinion itself is old and cliche
Is It though? Do "Medieval Fantasy RPGs" not have elves (and their bazillion colors for "variety"), dwarves (the "techy" race who are either extinct already or just hiding their tunnels), and orcs (who are always the ebil race who want to destroy humanity and other races). I literally have lost count on the amount of games with all of the above
The only recent game I can think of that fits that bill is the Tolkien one.
Can't you at least wait tills your other thread reach the bump limit first.
Just like some Italian plumbers inspired Nintendo?
>why does Zig Forums hate it?
bacuse I am sick of souls ripoffs and these chinkggers just showed a 10 minute scripted sequence to recruit more chinkggers so they can release something in 2050
Europeans are too stupid to like it. Fuck those white niggers.
Why are Chinks genuinely unable to create something without ripping off others
Where do you think DBZ got their Power Pole and Flying Nimbus and the name from Son Goku from? Same with Naruto's Multiple Shadow Clone Technique and the Nine Tailed Fox?
Another monkey travel game? Why don't chinese try other stories? Like the Tianamen Square massacre
Americans have been told by media to be scared of chinks and russians to divert their attention from the shit going on inside their own country.
There's also the pig character Oolong, who's based off on the "Zhu Bajie" from Journey to the West story, who just like Oolong is more like a comedic character