Can we just talk about how awesome this game actually was? It is honestly one of the best games of the 2010s...

Can we just talk about how awesome this game actually was? It is honestly one of the best games of the 2010s, and I know that people moan about minor gripes but they are nothing compared to the open world freedom and sense of exploration gives. I must have sunk well over 200 hours into it and I can't remember the last time I did that with any game.

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Massive seethe incoming

>minor gripes
>small villages
>no enemy variations lategame outside color swaps
>reused assets for every shrine

They sound like minor gripes to me. The game is about a sense of freedom and exploration and the game absolutely nails that better than any other open world game.

Reminder you would whine about this if this game didn't have the Zelda name
Or it had the Sonic the Hedgehog name on it

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it was ninbabies first open world game

theyre not minor retard. whats the point of exploration if all you see is some chests and a tent?

literally half a game
incredibly disappointing

name a game with more to discover
i'll be ready with a similar situation in BotW. Heck, I'll start. Which other open world game has you slowly develop a new town as you complete related sidequests?

BotW feels like a tech demo in a lot of ways and I'm excited for BotW2 more. Flesh it out with more enemy types, a couple larger dungeons, have shrines be themed to their regions, populate the overworld with better stuff and I think it'll be something really special

I think you'll find they were incredibly minor gripes, see pic...

And they absolutely knocked it out of the park

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>whats the point of exploration if all you see is some chests and a tent?

What game are you talking about?

shittiest prettendo game out there in a while
this and the last of jews are the epitome of a brain dead boring empty open world baseded cringe simulator praised by shills n man babies

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>shittiest prettendo game out there in a while
care to elaborate with anything other than meme answers?


Fucking Christ lol. Stick to playing PONG I guess, have fun.

>small villages
It's Breath of the Wild, not Breath of Mumbai. The towns are nearly as big as the cities in Skyrim and Oblivion and benefit from the lack of pretension that ten houses and a prison is the capital of a world spanning empire like in Oblivion.
>no enemy variations lategame outside color swaps
What open world game has more interesting enemies? Subnautica? A few more types would be useful, such as a cliffside type, but the enemy variety is fine given how developed enemies are overall.
>reused assets for every shrine
Shrines suck, yes
Tarrey town is a good sidequest, but it isn't impressive. The growth is entirely scripted.

I played it for over 200 hours and enjoyed it immensely. I'm not sure if Breath of the Wild 2 will grip me im the same way unless they've made some major changes to the world and/or moveset.

the joy of it is actual exploration itself, unlike most games that fill your adhd meters with some kind of artificial progression

If this game didnt have the nintendo and Zelda coat of paint it would be just another asscreed clone

Probably the most disappointing aspect to BOTW to me is lack of actual rewards for exploration. Shrines are a shitty replacement for dungeons, and while clothing having uses beyond aesthetics js good, some classic Zelda items would have been a boon and helped explore the world like the hookshot or lantern just to name a few. Enemy variery is pitifully low, almost pathetic really. I'm not worried about dungeon quality since Hyrule Castle was so great, but it was the only one that was. BOTW2 has quite a few issues to fix but they aren't all that insurmountable.

I gave it a chance since i got the game as a gift but I honestly just found it boring, some anons told me if I still wasn't into after finishing the first divine beast then I probably wouldn't ever enjoy it, so after I finished the first divine beast I ended up dropping it. I can get why people like it but for me it's the worst game in the series.

I had no real interest in playing it before but after watching the SGDQ dog run I am considering emulating it. The world looks huge and varied.


Oh wow hahahahah play a real game

Wasnt there a online zelda 1 game out there somewhere?

The game is in a weird place because nintendo can improve many things in a sequel but even as it is, its the best game in the generation. The sequel can also be worse though but im expecting it to be better.

That begins and ends at looks, even if there are some cool setpieces here and there. Biggest for me was the Hebra skeleton

yes it truly felt like I was playing a ubisoft open world game for the first time again.

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The problem is that the things that MATTER are the shrine orbs, fairy fountain upgrades and the Korok seeds, and you mostly get all of those, not by delving deep into elaborate quests (which do exist), by wandering around randomly and stumbling upon them. This makes it less interesting to explore than the Zelda games which have you focus on exploring exploring densely packed areas.

>if a game has climbing then its a copy of assassins creed!
You're not just pretending to be retarded, you're that genuinely stupid huh?

is that what coping looks like?

How fucking stupid are you?

>no goriya
>no peahats
>no pols voice
>no iron knuckle
>no like like
there were a bunch of iconic zelda enemies that didn't make it into BOTW and it makes me sad

Its boring. OOT and MM remain the only good 3d Zelda games.

i regret the 40 minutes spent setting up the emulator just to play the game for a few hours and never touch it again
now i'm left here with an emulator and no idea what to use it on

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Would be really cool instead of shrines theres this interconnected underground area like in Skyrim andnyou can unlock new sections by finding the entrance in the open world. But also i realize it would add years of development to botw. I really hope they do more with the cooking mechanics

Exploration just for the puzzle dungeons, don’t worry you’ll have a tracker. Pointless
Combat will deplete your weapons, reward for killing enemies, weapons.
Story - pointless
Dungeons - minor variations
Crafting - not needed
Rupees - why?

Get over it kid.

The plebs seethe so hard when you point out the Ubisoft towers, lol

Bayonetta, splatoon? Mario karts? Free shop? Just skip straight to the master mode DLC? Dunno man.

Plenty of cool new ones too.

Sure. I loved it. Set a new bar for interactivity in an action game of its kind. It's nice seeing positivity for the game for a change.

>calls people kid
>plays and defends shit nintendo games

Different fag here. I love BOTW but you can't deny Nintendo was inspired by ubisoft games when making BOTW (ubitowers for example).