Game has NPC schedules

>game has NPC schedules
What's the point? It only serves to annoy you and means you have to wait until morning for everyone to be at the right place. Morrowind was great because it didn't have any of this bullishit, you knew exactly where everyone is at any point without the need for questmarkers. It's the best RPG of the decade, games should learn from it.

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Wtf kind of diner doesn't serve breakfast on the weekends

>NCPs are named and have specific schedules
>NPCs are all nearly identical and you only know who is who by talking to them
>NPCs schedules are not tracked in any way for you
>NPCs schedules are important for quest completion

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This is why morrowind is great.

This, Jack is actually in the right wit this one

Thwy probably don't want to deal with people with hangovers.

They do, they are just afraid of Jack spreading Shalmonella to the other costumers

post them

A shitty one. I can't believe I actually agree with Jack for once.
Speaking of which, how's he been doing since the stroke?

Why not do it like real life? Different shifts of storekeepers, open 24/7.