>There will never be another doppleganger villain as cool and original as Dark Samus
Not even any other Metroidvania can bring up shit like this, let alone any vidya ever.
So why is Dark Samus so fucking good?
There will never be another doppleganger villain as cool and original as Dark Samus
I don't see what's so original about her, conceptually she's just a possessed armor, and visually she's "angry blue samus".
She was designed as a reincarnation of the Metroid Prime using Samus' genetic code and her Varia suit as a base. How is that possessed armor?
in 2 she actually looked more like an organic version of samus, as if her body was physically formed as the suit she used as her genetic base. in 3 she looks more like the angry Samus shit, but she still has some visual flair to her such as the sleek suit design, the arm cannon, etc.
I think you're overhyping her a bit, but she's interesting because phazon is given so much detail in the lore.
Dark Samus isn't just "you but evil XD" like most other dopplegangers but a living manifestation of this corrupting parasitic energy source.
Reala is cooler. DS is just like the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World except instead of hunting shit down for the lulz they infect with phazon for the lulz
>why is Dark Samus so fucking good?
>She was designed as a reincarnation of the Metroid Prime using Samus' genetic code and her Varia suit as a bas
All of that mumbo jumbo to simply mean "she stole the Phazon Suit and used that as a body". What little we can see of her in Prime 1 even uses the same color palette. She's a possessed suit of armor.
Metal Sonic is one of the most perfect doppelgangers in existence, especially in his design which exudes the nature vs machine theme of the original sonic series.
>very defined joints to contrast with Sonic's noodle-like limbs
>cold and expressionless compared to Sonic, can really only emote that menacing stare
Sega doesn't do shit with him anymore but I really love Metal Sonic's design.