I still see the woman blowing a giraffe.
Maybe best resident evil. Has action and horror, greatly balanced and fun
mercenaries mode is godlike
>qte's up the ass, broken gameplay and no pacing whatsoever: the game
not even the worst RE ever but actually one of the worst TPS games I have ever played, and I mean it
5's is better, more characters and stages
Glad I'm not the only RE6Chad here.
yeah 5 is also godlike.
I like them both equally though.
>Broken gameplay
What do you mean?
>game good because i coom
pathetic sad and lonely coomer slave of his primal impulses, you are not a man
so true
>pathetic sad and lonely coomer slave of his primal impulses, you are not a man
Ok but its not a resident evil game.
6 is pretty fun but there is no horror what so ever what the fuck are you talking about
So did I, and Helena is underrated
6 is noticeably worse than 5, which was already worse than 4. This game actually has a ton of flaws, but it remains one of the most fun co-op games imo. This game is pants on head retarded but I love it for that. One youtuber dubbed it the best bad game and I have no reason to disagree. I just wish it wasn't such a mess design wise.
What the hell is that in the background? A tank? That wasn't in the game at all.
there was a left 4 dead collab thing actually.
It's the logical conclusion to the over the shoulder action trilogy. Fantastic game, great gunfu, shame it's Jakes only game
yeah mercs is great
Based Helenabro
i only liked playing as sherry
You know liking RE6 is a normie thing right?
Até you guys... normies?yikes!
Unironically my favourite RE.
>Game is simultaneously one of the worst but most fun games of all time
How did they do it bros?
you're not a re fan, then
quit playing my series
have you played the main campaign? I got the plat last night, it was nothing but fun
You realise there's not been a proper RE game in nearly 20 years, right?