How would you ask Asuka out?

How would you ask Asuka out?

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shes already my wife, no need

I'd need to learn Japanese, first. Also, are you going to talk about the mechanics or story in this series?

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I'll take that as a predictable no.

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I wouldn't.

Unga bunga L rare U rare rare rare limited time wallet funds give money woohoo!!!!

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I'd ask her where snek is instead.

Why the fuck would I even try?

By showing her my 9 inch peenos of course. She's a size queen.

According to my jap game knowledge just straight up rape her

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>How would you ask Asuka out?
Draw pictures of her and show

Go away, pedo.

I hate kids.

Tell her.

How can I help you?

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Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

I tell her
Meet me by the lake around 10 and skinny dippin' and then
We can begin the pretend game, I wanna be Finn from Adventure in Time

I wouldn't. Why would I bother? She'd never want to be with me.

You. I don't even like my nephews.

Yeah, this.

>countless posts lusting after lolis in this board
>I-I d-d-don't even like my nephews......!!!!!!!!!
The "I have black friends" of pedo arguments.

You're gonna have to refresh my memory there, buddy.

be homura

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if anyone knows how to build a ship out of dicks, IT IS ME!!


Senran Kagura is mainly a console series, cope

You're gonna have to stop diddling children, Boko.