CPU temp = 105°C

>CPU temp = 105°C

Attached: EF98CDCF-703F-4ACD-860F-79B7938FAF7F.gif (498x498, 1.63M)

Use more thermal paste

Wouldn't most of them throttle down or force shutoff before that point? Or fucking melt?

>room temperature 110F

Attached: 1597994847031.jpg (582x582, 70.5K)

Why can't cpus survive 100 degree temperatures?
It's 100+ in some parts of the country and people survive that just fine

Quit playing PUBG

lmao just like use a better CPU cooler. Like make sure your case is getting airflow lol.

cuz they smol

>people will fall for this bait

humans can sweat