Tf2's birthday

Happy birthday tf2!!! You get TWO videos this month about how your game is dead. I hope you'll enjoy it alongside your monthly "TF2 IS DEAD" video

Attached: 1598219095232.jpg (425x320, 26.22K)

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How do we get this guy to stop kicking a dead horse

kick a different dead horse

Fuck that, watch this instead.

happy birthday tf! heres to another great 12 years of fragging!
How will mcnigger ever recover as this next year passes and the game still wont die!

Attached: 1597425283678.png (1000x1000, 176.72K)

Is he a scizo or just autistic?

What makes the update weight so much? Haha nah I'm kidding guys I know what he means.

he harasses valve employees religiously, probably autistic

Both. He already made this exact same video last month on his second channel, but for some reason he really likes to shove the fact that there's no major content update even though they were all working on Alyx. If they start working on something I can guarantee you he'll do everything he can to make it seem like the opposite

Neither he is a classic narcissist