Is there any game series where each entry is better than the last?
Is there any game series where each entry is better than the last?
Pokemon until X/Y
every game I think of only gets better until a certain point, so I guess no
Persona started at 3.
fpbp, was just about to post this
Metal Gear Solid
I bet you think you're real fuckin' funny, don't you? Do you fuck your mother with that sense of humor?
5 < 4
The legacy of goku series on the gba
yes, Shadowrun
Rune Factory
This this this this this holy fuck no one has ever been more correct about anything today
Dominions. Granted, it does sort of accomplishes this in easy mode where the engine and core game have remained unchanged and each point release just piles on new stuff (all the 16 something factions from the original are still there for example, it's just that Dominions 5 has 90 something factions) along with mechanics changes, UI improvements, increased modding support, some redrawn sprites, etc, but it's a clear case of 5>4>3>2>1.
Sly Cooper until 4
Fuck that’s hard
>RTS Warcraft
>Witcher (by a very narrow margin)
GP Legend and Climax are better than GX?
Smash. Redditors will say otherwise.
>GP Legend and Climax
I forgot they existed.
Ultima until 8.
gta, contrarians will disagree
Hitman series, if you ignore Absolution
4, 5 and Peace Walker are garbage
Dark Souls and Max Payne
GTA IV was a downgrade. Retards believe otherwise.
The Elder Scrolls
Dark Souls.
Dead Space (3 never happened)