Any dating sims where the other girls you didn't pick get jealous?
Any dating sims where the other girls you didn't pick get jealous?
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Doki Doki LIterature Club!
Girls don't get jealous, they simply move on to one of the other 1000+ options they have
>Girls don't get jealous
my ex put a tracker in my car and would call me anytime I strayed too far from my work like she was watching it 24/7
Pls don't make me jealous again.
Valentine's Day in P5
Persona 3
what the fuck, provide some more detail about this relationship. that is genuinely freaky
She was cheating on you bro
You and Me and Her
You do know she was tracking you so that you wouldnt catch her getting dicked by her BLACK BVLL?
Doki Doki Literature Club
Is this finally translated?
Hello Mutt
user, she WAS the BLACK BVLL
>his ex was into kinky FZero shit
they dont get jealous over you maybe but thats because no girl wants to even look at you
Like clockwork
It got translated this year
why are you yanks ((kikes)) so obsessed with nigger dick
It's being taught in school and media. Can't escape from it if you haven't taken the right pills.
Fruit of Grisaia
the "right pills" are what are causing this shit, eventually your Zig Forums rotted brain flips its switch and you become a full on cuck
Obviously you're talking about wrong pills then
I desperately need a Japanese OL cake
ITT: fat virgins
Hey that's not fair. I'm not fat, just ugly.
Love & Sex: Second Base
They are not, you guys just made it a meme here by calling literally everyone a cuck