Gnaar Mok, home

Gnaar Mok, home.

Attached: 15555444444444444444.jpg (1024x768, 108.77K)

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Speak quickly outlander, or go away.

At least it was before i fucked everything up

yall DID get that glass dagger stuck in the tree stump...right?

Not "your home", n'wah

Manor District, Home

Attached: screenshot071.png (800x600, 575.61K)

No, I didn't.



MOOOOOOOOVE you fat fucks

Attached: 2ilwhajt7fa31.jpg (1024x768, 119.75K)

In my defense, I went to that daedric ruin north-west of the city and abused potions, powers and magic items to kill the orc outside and take his armor while at low level.

use command 10 on X seconds on them user
(or type ra in console to move all npcs in current cell to their original positions)

Did anyone else use the abandoned shack as a house?

Attached: Abandoned_Shack.png (360x450, 267.73K)

>not spamming ra every minute

>the note in it

How is Morrowind Rebirth? I'm itching for another playthrough of Morrowind

Attached: url(7).jpg (620x310, 62.19K)

looks like complete garbage.

>or type ra in console to move all npcs in current cell to their original positions
Eighteen years playing this game and I never knew you could do this, thanks user

Is OpenMW finished yet?

Don't bullshit me.

>Is OpenMW finished yet?
Yeah, but not all mods are compatible with it.

Those little fishing villages were such shit, a perfect place for Dunmer to live.

Attached: 1595636837004.jpg (750x473, 38.96K)

What do they eat?

Argonian eggs.


Where is that slave? Here no long ago.

spooky ass niggas

Attached: 1557615433901.jpg (1200x800, 858.72K)

Gothway Garden, home

Attached: gothway garden.png (633x366, 42.49K)

what does it say?

For me, it's Ahnassi's House

Attached: 1595016201935.jpg (680x907, 76.11K)

I like Vandale in Wrothgarian Mountains.

I use the temple in Aldhrun. It's in the center of Vanderfell, got acess to Fighters and Mages guild, Redoran higher ups, a nearby Fort, the Temple, and a Silt Strider that goes to both the farthest north and south points of the island.