*destroys Puyo Puyo's reputation forever*

>*destroys Puyo Puyo's reputation forever*
based, fuck that rng nerd shit

Attached: nagoshi.jpg (480x720, 64.7K)

How can one MAN make Zig Forums seethe so HARD?

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>creates a shitty rpg mechanic in a loved game
>doesn’t understand why monkey ball is popular and think it’s gay
>a fucking ganguro
Opinion invalidated

What happened?

Recently there was a Puyo Puyo tournament, they invited Nagoshi to talk about it.
He doesn't give a shit about Puyo so to break the silence he said that most Puyo players look like chi-gyus

A chigyu is a nerd who eats cheese gyudon.
Basically said Puyo Puyo is for soibois

Attached: sanshoku-cheez-gyudon-300x200.jpg (300x200, 12.47K)

He was at some Puyo event likely because SEGA asked him to be and they asked his opinion on the match and he kind of awkwardly was like "Yeah... it's pretty intense I guess" like he didn't say anything that bad but he was a little dismissive. Thing is that probably pissed off SEGA because he works for them, it makes them look bad that one of their employees would act like that an event they brought him to. Really he didn't say anything that bad at all, he was just a little unprofessional but these are Japs were talking about so being a little unprofessional is the equivalent of a third bomb.

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Doesn't help that the guy is running his face at about 25% Bogdanoff levels and still is up his own ass enough to insult customers

Attached: Nagoshi throughout the ages.jpg (2000x939, 354.88K)

Quick rundown?

His he trying the become the third Bog?

He is taking all the bogpills

top left: stephen fry


>tags: bimbofication, drugs, gyaru, crotch_tattoo, moral degeneration

Those teeth are more uncanny than his face.

How can these chi-gyus even compete?

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Honestly, I don't understand why they even bothered asking him to a Puyo event, it's pretty clear nowadays he only really cares about Yakuza.

>He bought Yakuza?

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i wouldn't fuck with him, especially if i was a chi-gyu

So he's the Japanese Cliffy B? Someone that wants to pretend to be something they are not because of childhood trauma?

Mr. Uncanny in da house


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quick rundown on these 10 guys?

chads gonna chad

Attached: nagoshi.webm (500x281, 305.09K)

Stephen Fly

every time I see this

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what happened to him, he's like michael jackson but in reverse.

What reputation?

From turbo virgin to chad yakuza mobster

>Puyo-Puyo-Pump It

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He made games about Yakuza, now he is one.
The games stories are most likely loosely based around his life.