Games with this feel?

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I'm also curious about this. The only game I can think of with this sort of feel is Batman Arkham asylum


hotline miami

Hogan's Castle

kane and lynch 2

Nothing really. Video games tend to change the setting as much as possible to avoid boredom.
Watch BuyBust, it's a better sequel to The Raid than the pretentious Raid 2 was.

blood trail vr

fuckin loved this film
dare I say the K-word?

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heavy action with minimal plot? wwe?

tlou 2 unironically feels like playing an intense action thriller

how in the fuck is buybust better?

Sick alright I'll check it out. My buddies and I have been working through all the modern martial arts kino.

Just watched Night Comes For Us and Triple Threat. Triple Thread was garbage, skip it. Was bad at the 2 things it needed to be good at, camera work and choreography.

god I wish. Hotline Miami is about as close as you get.

>press square to play fetch with the dog

It's an authentic mid budget martial arts action film with characters trapped in one location and besieged by criminals, just like The Raid was.
The Raid 2 is a grandiose tale about betrayal and loyalty with opera music and superhero villain criminals with dumb weapon gimmicks that would be stupid and out of place in a 70's martial arts movie. Very embarrassing.

It's a common phenomenon, the second iteration usually goes a bit too far.

Halo 2
Metal gear solid 2
Resident Evil 2
Gears of War 2

All great games but feel over the top compared to their predecessors. I think The Raid 2 is amazing btw

How's the lead actress in this? I'll be really surprised if she can pull an action film off, it's just as absurd to me as Megan Fox being the lead in an action film.

Never seen it, but I've heard good things about the SPL: Kill Zone trilogy.
Check out some Johnnie To flicks and No Tears for the Dead + The Man from Nowhere too, they're not bad.

Definitely happens too much imo.

Die Hard, Ip Man, First Blood, John wick, they all have to raise the stakes on their initial movie which is just "Movie happens in PLACE" then they say "OH WAIT, now movie happens EVERYWHERE" and the loses the main focus.

F.E.A.R. unironically.

Attached: F.E.A.R. Martial Arts.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

Raid 2 was great. I loved how the fleshed everything out and the fights were all still fantastic.

Solid. She's probably not gonna blow your mind. For a movie with a budget of $1.6 million US you should be pleasantly surprised.

The last of us part 2

Does Buybust have the same type of Martial Arts action as Raid?

Haven't seen Buybust but Raid 2 was basically their take on Infernal Affairs/The Departed which by now the concept is overdone. Though the action in Raid 2 was still top notch the story was kinda snooze.

Does TLOU2 have intense martial arts combat alongside SWAT teams in a single building where everyone wants to kill you?

Any beat em ups that go vertically or up a tower instead of left to right? Didn't Final Fight technically go from streets to the top of a building?

Not exactly. It's a bit like The Raid + Assault on Precinct 13. Or the parts in The Raid where he can't just beat the shit out of everybody. It's on Netflix (iirc) anyway.

The atmosphere of desperation is there but the pointless drama really dampers it. Didn't really compare to be honest.

Give Night Comes for Us a shot, it's extremely graphic so heads up if you're watching with someone squeamish. It's real good fun, no fat on the story it's a vehicle to get from cool action scene to the next with attachment to the characters.

Seen No Tears for the Dead and Man From Nowhere, solid flicks as well but I felt action took more of a backseat. Not a bad thing, just something a bit different from The Raid.

Yeah I agree, but movie was really long too and the travel took away from the action. The first Raid was all in one spot so action pretty much never stopped it was insane.Love the second still, but I felt the first was better as a more pulpy action movie.

Agreed on that. The Raid 2 really banking on the homages way too much, there's so little new excitement coming from it.

Crisis Beat

Breakdown. I guess.

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