Pozzed culture is not rea-

>pozzed culture is not rea-

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mocap was a mistake


video games were a mistake

Who will be that much of a retard to giving him money?

Are there any hentai out there about pozzed culture?


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Do everyone a favor and stay there

I'd still fucc bro.

her old design was unironically perfect. plus this new game being in the arkham verse makes no sense whatsoever.

We'll just seek refuge in japanese games until this blows over.

left: 24 years old
right: 25 years old


You do realize the left is has less to do with her comic portrayal while the right is more accurate right? You liking one more doesn't mean they did something wrong.

we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread

they want characters to be less observably male or female

She looks fine you fucking retards.

feminism was a mistake

They just tried to make her look like that horrible nu-harley from that garbage movie

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God, I hate Harley Quinn. All the good will from the Animated Series evaporated years ago from me.

it did exactly what it was supposed to do. people just weren't honest about it's intentions.

>professional escort
>crackhead whore that operates in the alleyway behind the burger king
harleys always been a whore, she just used to be a classy one instead of a streetwalker

I don't think there exists a person alive right now who doesn't believe pozzed culture is real. It is strictly impossible, unless they are blind or a hermit cut off from society and technology.

Can we get a western female character without the goddamn beef chin?

She's a self-insert character for permanently angry white girls, has nothing to do with pozzing. At least understand what you're upset about.

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>its bad because it doesnt appeal to horny, 15 year old virgins anymore!
so glad the industry doesnt listen to mogs anymore

>white girl is still white
Kill yourself

Third wave feminism was a mistake. It's fine that they can vote, get a job, drive blah blah blah but today's women (much like today's soldier) has no conflict. There is no great war or mission. So all of this energy and empowerment goes nowhere. Just as today's soldiers are just welfare queens, the modern woman is trying to skirt by in society by doing as little as possible.

That screenshot in the OP is modern feminism's greatest triumph. What a waste.

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Mocap and face/body-scanning are different things. Mocap is only about movement and animation. Soul Calibur is mocaped.

the first look is harder to pull off body type wise. second is easier for cosplay.

That's more of a OAG thing.

Hey, it's what I'm doing now. Even moreso if SEGA keeps the PC ports coming.

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We're on fourth wave now, buddy. It started around 2012 circa, no joke.

/thread. Not having something to fight tends to make people act as that to fill the void.

Encouraging angry white girls is pozzed.

i am pretty sure this was OP's point, not the tits

That's just an accurate representation of a white girl

we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread we already had this thread

>it's fine that they can vote
splitting the vote between genders was part of how they started dividing families

>get a job
to an extent but the more you push for women to be more educated than men and have as good or better jobs than men the more you imbalance the "sexual market"

feminism was corrupt from the beginning it just seemed innocent in its early stages

This. Modern angry white girls are awful.

This. Left wing sympathizers often don't understand that. Feminist activists need to antagonize someone. Church, conservatives, transsexuals, company owners - doesn't matter really who is the enemy. The only important thing is that they have the enemies. Without them, they would lose their jobs and social importance. They don't care if the war is won or lost. Both cases are bad for them. The only success for them is when war is continued.

I'm not American, what does pozzing mean

to every single deluded shill that, leading up to the DC Fandome event, said that Rocksteady were still based and Harley would be hot.
>"d-don't you remember Arkham Knight?? She was hot! SJWs were around back then and Rocksteady didn't cave, so why would they now?!"

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"Pozz" means "postive" as in getting a positive lab result back for an infection or tumor.