So, it works, but what was I actually 'supposed' to do here?
So, it works, but what was I actually 'supposed' to do here?
Not sure what you mean.I guess spend 2 seconds to put your penis through the hole? no idea
So you're not smart enough to respond, and yet you responded. I will note this, I hope you will too.
You were supposed to return the case.
good job gordon, you're supposed to a screwdriver not a crowbar. i can see your MIT education really pays for itself.
the case isn't defective, there's just a disconnect between the graphics card and the case.
either try and bend it back to something resembling flat or secure it with something else
Sometimes you just gotta take a hacksaw to the cast to make things fit.
Is the motherboard seated properly?
You bent the face plate to fit around the contour of the case? You could have bought a tiny L bracket at a hardware store and used nuts and bolts to make it fit.
I am so confused. You didn't seat your mobo correctly, and so you couldn't seat your GPU correctly either. Your solution to this wasn't to unscrew the motherboard, re-seat it, and then carry on. It was to go through the effort of bending the bracket for your GPU to fit the case?
Why would your carer leave you alone whilst you did all of this?
Yes, I'm pretty confident it is
Yes, I bent it to catch on that big black thumb screw, other wise the only point of contact it has is the mobo. I feel like it's supposed to screw into something though, are there any adapters I could use?
That is standard shape for an i/o shield. This case is Chinese garbage and should be sent to the landfill.
drill a screw through diagonally
You fucked something up, post the rest of the build. I wanna see what else your dumbass fucked up.
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty damn sure the mobo is seated correctly. I screwed ever single riser in., it lines up with the back USB/DP window. I bent the graphics card bracket to get a second point of contact to prevent it from damaging the socket, but I'm sure there's a better way to do it.
you niggered it
>gpu stops working 30 days later for an unrelated reason
So when you seated the graphics card, it wasn't meeting up with the case? The L shaped end of the GPU bracket should meet up with the case, and then you put a screw through that little notch at the top, into the screwhole (the one that's a bit scratched up in your image).
The GPU could also not be mounted correctly. The other end of the bracket should slide between the edge of the motherboard and the case. I've seen people insist their GPU won't fit because they're getting caught on the edge of the motherboard.
>I bent it to catch on that big black thumb screw
So, it wouldn't line up with the actual screw hole, and you bent the flange? Correct?
I want to see what the alignment looked like before you niggered it all up. Normally if it doesn't line up it's only off by 1-2mm, you can just push the bracket into place enough to get the screw started. But you can't tell shit from the picture now except some retard went at it with a pair of pliers like a goddamned monkey.
How the fuck did it not line up? That motherboard had to be off just a hair, too late though because you already bent the bracket.
This is how it should work. It's standard for PCI expansion cards of pretty much every time. Cases sometimes change how you secure the GPU (some use clips and shit).
I never installed the I/O shield on my PC. It works but it's a dusty motherfucker, probably needs a good cleaning pretty soon.
GPU has been working since 2018 but ok
>So when you seated the graphics card, it wasn't meeting up with the case?
The L shaped end of the GPU bracket
?? Do you meanthe very top of the bracket? There's no place it screw into unless it was all bent 90 degress.
So in that picure the bracket bends 90 degrees, OK. On mine it's straight, and I bent one part 90 degrees to fit.
Why the everliving fuck did you bent it like that?
Post a picture from the front zoomed in, not like this angle
I'm guessing you received a defective card then. That bracket should have been bent at 90 degrees so it could be screwed in.
You could have had it replaced without an issue, either through the retailer or the manufacturer.
But then you went and bent it all up, so they'll just say they can't help you.
So I guess you just have to live with your fucked up GPU and hope the bracket defect isn't a sign of further defects/issues with the card.
>did you bent it
nice english pablo
oh gee it's almost like I don't have a graphics card that'll get me through, do you wanna watch The Breakfast Club (1985) with me?
>get called out for being a retard by 20 people
>gee it's not like I care :^)
kys, soon