Fall Guys

You are playing the cool new fad, right?
Also fuck dinos, push them off at all costs.

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Major streamers have dropped it already until season 2 starts.

damn... guess im uninstalling it...

Reminder to eliminate furfags at every chance you get

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Hell yeah I’m playing it. I crush at the game. My win rate is like 15% at least. I even won while drunk a couple days ago

someone gift it for me

sent ;)



Bros I need this 5 win streak so I can finally be done with this game
Closest I’ve gotten is 3

I’m so tilted right now

I would win a lot more if I spent less time trying to fuck everyone else over.

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yee steamcommunity.com/id/danialistrollface/

Does anyone know when the Gato Roboto skin is scheduled for?
I'm saving all my crowns for that shit.


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You don't even play games.

i played fall mountain three times and there's always a cheater in all of them, fucking hell

Ive been mainly playing valorant and rementat from the ashes on epic games. There arent really any steam games I want other than fall guys

I'm not buying the game until they fix the cheating.

Rainbow Water bros where you at?

Literally nobody on my team ever plays defense on Fall Ball. I can't take this shit anymore.

already fixed

fall ball (and by extension, hoarders) suffer from the most unsatisfying, jank-ass garbage physics and controls in the game
hope they vault them

Same here gato bro

Does anyone know if the patch they posted was implemented? I noticed today some things were but not all of them

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You should be able to buy a crown with 100k coins


This game has the absolute shittiest excuse for "physics" I've ever seen in a game, it's actually laughable how bad it is

>play Fall Mountain
>decide to jump off the beginning platform
>fall over
>decide not to jump off the beginning platform
>fall over
>someone in a 5 foot radius decides to jump
>I fall over like a ragdoll
>I jump into someone
>I fall over like a ragdoll while nothing happens to them

What fucking shit is this fucking game

Furry girl I know keeps crying about "toxic" people grabbing her and chucking her off ledges. I wonder if she's in a video somewhere.

is it just me or does the blue team have some of the biggest retards in the game?

crowns will be worthless if you can buy them, it defeats the whole purpose of the game

gambling for minors and poor people, your time are the chips

lmao just win more

Don't be a bad loser now

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who the fuck would pay 20 dollars for a shitty skin-factory "ha ha funee physics" multiplayer-only game that will be dead in 3 months and already has hackers?

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Yes but the even team shit is broken and party memebers still aren't sorted first... They fixed hanging on shit is basically all they did. Oh, and you aren't on yellow team all the time when you solo queue. Shit patch, almost nothing they tried to fix worked.

a few million apparently

nobody cares faggot

Dead in 3 months is the most retarded reason to not buy something I've ever heard. Do you not buy any games because they will be dead in 2 days after you beat it?

Why not have it so that if you lose in the final round you're given a "blue crown", and by exchanging, I dunno, 5 of em, you can get ONE crown.

jump showdown goes too fucking long

Most games cost more than that and last less, I don't see the problem man

>it takes 5+ people to push ball in rock n' roll
>it takes a single person from the opposite team to completely fuck you over so you easily lose

the people in charge of the team games should unironically be publicly executed

Maybe if 2nd place is 1/5 and 3rd is 1/10. No one else should get anything

>tfw keep rotating through the same 4 maps

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just win games lol

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Bullshit, it would be brainded easy to get crowns, even easier than 100k kuddos

> multiplayer-only game that will be dead in 3 months
well it's a good thing i'm playing it now then rather than 3 months.
I've already put more hours into it than other games i've paid more for.

Everything is temporary user. May as well enjoy it while it lasts.

you have to actively try and fuck people up in Jump Showdown

>he doesn't get it for $7

Not really. Stop trying to push the ball against the person and just grab them so your teammates can push it around

>tfw can't find a fucking game
I need my Fall Guys fix right now.

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