The fights are too long

The fights are too long.

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then get better, retard

Your skill is lacking.

No, you're just too slow.

Same in vanilla. I do one fight and it's like time to go to work or to bed.

is this game worth playing alone?

I dont think i ever felt this way in worlds except vs kushala or fungus dragon if i dont bring a aquashot. If anything, they are too short

Play God Eater

sure but it all comes down to you and what is it that you want from a video game

imagine being shit at the easiest monster hunter game
t. ruiner nergigante under 12 minutes

just hit the monster lmao

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read them out loud op

It is. The anons in this thread who don't think so are playing the game with crutch sets, weapons and decos. This game gives you the illusion of being good at it because it's massive power creep with gear. Take away that gear and the anons in this thread would be just pathetic little bitches who take 3 times as long to kill the same monster. Pathetic.

get good you fucking noob

Just play singleplayer, the mutliplayer HP scaling gives massive bloat that just slows the hunts down, singleplayer has a much better pace and a monster goes down moreso when expected instead of eating hits for 15 minutes

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it's better alone


Why is she so thirsty?

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play with Zig Forums rooms for multi, solo otherwise
never play with /vg/

Hell, most of these idiots are so ignorantly unaware of their reliance on their crutches they'd probably just triple cart instead of even being able to take down the same monster.

The vast majority of delusional faggots who think they're good can't even do a naked nergigante run under 10 minutes or at all even lmao.

>long fights equals good

Too bad some people would rather go out into the world than spend hours of fighting the same boss with repetitive patterns

>Entire series has been a very casual / openly easy game since the first gen
>Now people are trying to flaunt their Xxsick huntskillzXX

I'm glad the series is now on PC, and more widely played, but I'll never understand people who try to flex in PVE games, especially casual ones.
is baby game, calm down

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>imagine being shit at the easiest monster hunter game
That's P3rd

ok don't play it then

MH has always been
Start piss easy, end chanllenging

Even vanilla World had some good challenge at the end

>friend buys game
>goes back to playing some other autistic game for hours on end

>Recommend the game to someone I know.
>They start playing it with their WoW addled brother.
>They both complain it's too grindy and repetitive and go back to WoW before they even hit HR.
I half expected something like this to happen but goddamn.

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I kinda agree. I was getting teostra in 3,5 mins consistenly in the base game with max gear, now teostra takes 9 or so minutes usually, and the worst part is I'm not even fighting at this point, It's just a cycle of spin, mount, drop, grab head, wallbang, knockout, spin, mount, drop, grab head, wallbang, knockout...

The /vg/ rooms are good, plenty of solid hinters, but man the threads are a totally different story