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buenos dias curly


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remember when Quote had sex

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chaco looks good with a hat. turn it backwards for lots of sassy urban appeal

something something Daisy's Destruction

Cool thread you got here

Why is Sue such a terrible person?

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>Sue in Quote's clothes

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when god was handing out personalities somebody screamed sweater and sue was born

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When are we getting a new game From Pixel that's not a walking sim?

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I thought there was only one picture of this, thank you

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With Sue in the egg room, yeah

where's the proof

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what does it mean

I'm not posting the picture, I'm not in the mood for a 3 day

Then link it

They still ban you for that


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Bun with a gun.

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what makes this game good and why should I buy it

Kero Blaster turned 6 this year.



New games only become old games after 10 years.

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It is good because it is fun and it has bunnies and you should not buy it because it is free

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>what makes this game good
Good story, incredible music and atmosphere, basically started the indie game trend and was made for free completely out of love of the medium

>and why should I buy it
You shouldn't
Download the original freeware version and then buy Kero Blaster so Pixel gets your money instead of Nicalis

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>started indie trned
can I kill the bunnies


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Also, the last dungeon without any healing and their three bosses in a row can FUCK OFF. I looked up the ending in youtube. Fuck this bullshit. It was an alright game with bretty good ost besides that.

Nah but half of them die anyway.

What up my migma

Can someone please remind what his deal was?

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>can I kill the bunnies
Yes actually