>cant call people faggots
>call them queer instead
Cant call people faggots
>not queerosexual
'queer' sounds very faggy. only a big gay would use that word
you can
yes and?
you’ll still get in trouble
Okay queer
>cant call people niggers
>call them americans instead
Simply avoid filters by typing F@660T. You get your point across and reporting you does nothing.
queer is approved. they even add it to the LGBTQ+ whatever handle they fancy
>Can’t call people niggers
>Call them fatherless instead
only dangerhair tumblrgenders actually use it tho
Shut the fuck up you queer
Hello new character name
Why do tranoids hate traps?
Damn that works good. I will use queer from now on and let it be known that only queers use the word faggot
Some companies don’t care
>co worker sells me his ps4 cheap
>make an account and play with irl friends sometimes
>put gay in name it because who cares
>mention joke username stop hitting on me queers in my profile details
>don’t turn it on for months
>someone butthurt went to my profile reported me
>get notification about a suspension and a mark on my account when I turn it on
>lulz I didn’t even know
You’ll get kicked or in trouble from servers too if you put it in chat even banned, it’s not a friendly term apparently
Call em SP00KS.
op is a queer
>can't call people trannies
>call them 41%s instead
Cum guzzling fruitcakes
Absolutely based and redpilled.
Trap don't mutilate their genitals so trans have a inferiority complex.
Because they don't mutilate themselves and people prefer them more since they don't need to bash people over for what they are and instead just troll them by making them question their sexuality. In short words they feel threatened by them so they try to make the word "trap" a slur so they can try and get rid of them.
>put gay in name it because who cares
user... I'm sorry to tell you, but you are a faggot.
I use my pc
It’s useless to me
It gets laughs and is easy to talk shit
It's been 50% for over a year now, retard