Have you ever been bullied on online games?
Have you ever been bullied on online games?
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Every single time.
>someone will probably make a new article about this
>because we isn't getting another stimulus check
>that fuckin house
I love being bullied by black guys
damn saucy i never knew you were this much of a slut................
Flightsim spawned some funny stuff.
lmao namefag kys
did you not watch the vid? Its a fucking joke
I'm sure someone is trying to cook up the next "TERRORISTS ARE USING THIS TO TRAIN" meme like what happened with FS2000 after 9/11
it's not like they individually modeled every building in the world user
Talk about lazy.
When I played CSGO I would get relentlessly bullied by the 4 Russians on my team every single time. They'd imitate me in funny voices when I made callouts in English, they'd yell at me in Russian, they mentioned my name constantly while talking in Russian among themselves, and they'd teamkill me.
Well congratulations you got the plane crashed
So what's the next step of your master plan?
the house itself is a meme, guy who knew nothing about architecture tried to essentially build his own house
What are they going to do, hijack a plane and hope to find my house from the sky? I'm real scared. Why are there so many pussies online?
That's not the Grover House, is it?
sure is
>playing CSGO in europe
Waiting for somebody to do this to barneyfag's house
This counts as cyberbullying? Get a GRIP, you hypersensitive Fuck Flakes.
Can we fly a plane into the pentagon?
Holy shit user, I laughed. Really hard, more than I have in months. Thanks for showing me this.
Crashing this plane
I once got bullied in Castlevania HoD on the Xbox 360, but by two mexicans. When I decided to shut up they would just call for me by adressing me as "gringo" even though I told them I was portuguese.
No problem user glad i made you laugh
imagine being so oversensitive that you actually think this is genuine
Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.