>A video game lounge that was looted and badly damaged during unrest in Kenosha, Wis., will shut down, its owners said this week.
>The Gravity Gaming Lounge announced the move in a Facebook post Monday. The store sustained around $20,000 in damage to its floor, windows, and other areas, according to another post.
Support your local gamespots, Zig Forumsros. You'll never know when your visit's going to be your last
Why do right wingers obsess over riots but downplay the threat of the coronavirus? The coronavirus killed 180k people. Around 30 people died from riots, the majority of them being accidents
Adam Ortiz
>concern trolling for Target, Wendy's, and random businesses you've never been to
Owen Morales
Instead of digitally sulking about it here why don't you do something about the oppressive white supremacist police state that kills black people for fun?
Chase Rogers
All because some retards thought the best way to protest that black lives matter was to show how barbaric black people are.
Julian Cook
Black people live rent free in their heads, every day all day
Ian Ward
>smelly game store closes and property values go up
Eli Gray
Because that doesn’t effect me
Carson Morales
both sides are stupid
Charles Peterson
>Why do right wingers obsess over riots but downplay the threat of the coronavirus? The coronavirus killed 180k people. Around 30 people died from riots, the majority of them being accidents
Right wingers are also oddly obsessed with Antifa, even though the most they've done is some property damage and beat a few people up. But 180k dead, no biggie
William Ross
I'm glad I live in a small US town with almost no blacks. We only had one "Protest", that was just people giving speeches and it was 100% peaceful.
Jose Perez
Why are leftoid subhumans such useful idiot for billionaires? Amazon and Walmart don't care about their rioting while small businesses will get permanently fucked over by them creating even less competition for the billion dollar corporations.
Tyler Campbell
>MUH PEACEFUL PROTESTERS When will this absolutely orwellian meme die already?
Mason Walker
Trump was literally funded by billionaires and the Republican party is panicking now because he alienated multiple billionaire donors that funded him in 2016
Asher Carter
Nathaniel Lewis
>Americans >SIMPathy
Austin Morales
Property can be unique. Blacks are all the same.
Brayden Ward
Let's burn down your house after looting it first. You're ok with that leftist tranny faggot, right?
Carson Taylor
>MUH DRUMPF who cares about him refute what i said useful idiot subhuman
Kayden Gonzalez
Jeremiah Reed
calm down internet tough guy
Robert Rivera
Would you rather have your house burned down, or would you rather die? If it's the former, then why are you obsessed with riots but downplay the threat of the coronavirus, when the latter killed 180k people?
Cooper Carter
they don’t think that far and just revert back to hating other side see previous reply
The riots are the reason the Corona virus has gotten so bad.
Connor Cruz
Most of them are closed due to covid anyway, plus most social nerds are big bang tier fags and I don’t want to hangout with them
Leo Collins
Good, peaceful protests did jack squat and still made you right wingers piss your pants in rage because a guy kneeled at a football game so might as well show you mean business by smashing everything
fuck "small businesses" anyway. oh you bought some shit from amazon and jacked up the price? wow a true entrepreneur! how did you ever think of that business plan? buy cheap shit from a big company and inflate the price while marketing yourself as "independent business" who gives a shit about mom and pop shops? like really? i wouldn't give a shit if amazong bought every business in the world. who gives a shit where your stuff comes from. it's all just a product of asian suffering and we all know they aren't even human (see: coronavirus)
Problem is it's not their neighborhood. You have skinny faggot commies coming in from all over to fuck shit up.
Asher Bennett
>Why do right wingers obsess over riots but downplay the threat of the coronavirus? Exactly. The coronavirus doesn't care if you protest for months straight too btw.
Justin Moore
>all the alt-right babies crying over this post
Justin Jones
What happened? Did another nigger get shot by police or something? Can I get a quick rundown?
Juan Barnes
police would shut them down lol this whole thing is painfully orchestrated
I don't think the "Half of the ghetto flips out and starts burning down the city" insurance policy was a very popular one.
Jason Peterson
Leftoids are generally unemployed bums who have no idea how insurance works.
Ian Sullivan
>storm the streets by the hundreds of thousands during a pandemic when you were already told to stay home >wooowww this death toll guys you guys don't even care
Elijah Rogers
I feel like im behind on this. What the fuck is going on now? Is this floyd shit or something new?
Parker Wilson
Don’t worry about that, the CDC said the virus knows not to infect people when they’re protesting
Henry Murphy
>Black lives matter >But not the Black Lives who work at this lounge who are now out of a job
Robert Adams
Looks bad
Jose Moore
>Write stupid shit >Ayo, you wrote some dumbass shit >HAHAHAHAH I CAN HEAR YOU CRYING OVER MY POST
Get help
Liam Edwards
the roof Koreans returned during some of the particularly bad protests. They were in Seattle for sure.
The news doesn't report on it because it doesn't fit the narrative.
The real answer is that they are racists obsessed with race and black people
Henry Robinson
>i am calm shaky hands typed this post, also go ahead and try and fight the protesters then you pussy
Thomas Myers
I support the brutally oppressive white fascist regime everyday by reporting random poor black "people" for suspicious activity. Gonna support the regime come November, if we win again Ill continue doing as I have been doing and if we lose(we won't) I will be roaming the street with my shitty ass Springfield armory 45
Lincoln Richardson
you summed it up
Asher Jackson
Ahh yes, nigger dindu nothin
Jaxson Williams
no a different nog reached for his gun after being told by police to stop resisting for 10 minutes then got shot
Isaac White
Then I guess we can all go back to church. If gathering in large crowds and yelling black lives matter doesn't transmit the virus then I guess we can end all the social distancing.
Kayden Wood
Thats just Americans in general, Republicans cut taxes and let small businesses get fucked by pro-big business regulations, Liberals loot the small businesses outright.
Clown country.
Colton Campbell
I can't stop blacks from looting in a completely different state.
Landon Green
>source: my ass lol >chuds kys chapotranny
James Sanchez
12 second video shows the cops shooting a black man in the back as he gets into his car.
Leo Wilson
A new nigger gets killed every day, if a white man pulls the trigger its reason for national riots. In case you were wondering, america has now officially had a riot or looting event every single day for 90 days straight.
Hunter Anderson
>leftists are all unorganized losers and dipshits, but are also able to create a conspiracy where even the pigs they hate so much are in on it damn, leftists got 250iq
Christopher Scott
Lies obviously. The media has been covering for the riots at every oppurtunity. I mean just think about it for a minute. Doctors are saying that the virus is contagious enough that you need to be 6 feet away and wearing a mask. What do you think will happen when you put together a large group of people, many whom take their mask off to breathe, and condense them in a packed small street?
You have to be able to think for yourself here. This is simple logic and reasoning. Also I know for a fact cases were covered up even before the lockdown, I've seen firsthand how it works.
Jose Robinson
Nog fought with cops, got tased, kept fighting. Had a knife in his hand. Went to get his gun out of his car. Cops struggled to hold him back, but he managed to get into he car, and then the cops lit him up rather than waiting for him to come at them with his gun.
Then they burned Kenosha, WI down.
Anthony Sanders
Why do Americans get such a hate boner for the cops who pull this sorta shit and not at their local and state governments who allow police to pull this shit and get away with it?
Jack Gonzalez
We wouldn't be in this situation if such thing really existed.
Alexander Edwards
The vast majority of coronavirus deaths are boomers. Nobody cares about geriatrics.
Carson Murphy
>Both sides are stupid, but one of them just happens to be burning down their own neighborhoods and torching the infrastructure they need to survive while blaming the people trying to stop them from ruining the place they need to live at the end of the day Woh, enlightened centrist take here
Wait, but I thought states were inflating their coronavirus numbers to get money? Now they're downplaying their numbers?
What's the narrative supposed to be?
Chase Gutierrez
If niggers don't want to be seen as niggers why don't they stop behaving like niggers?
Owen Gutierrez
>Black riot and loot their own community >Said community then becomes a Detroit level shithole as businesses close and anyone able to do so leaves as fast as possible
so what, is this a conspiracy to eliminate the most retarded leftists? I mean, I'm not opposed. The retarded righties are killing themselves already so balancing the retard scales seems like a good idea to me.
Lucas Lewis
your hyperbole not mine but yea corpos absolutely love these thugs destroying their competition
Colton Cooper
>outdoor protests versus indoor gathering in a 20'x20' church
Sebastian Evans
yeah but then the nogs flee to other areas and then repeat 10 years later
Aiden Lopez
Why are you retards rioting during a pandemic anyways? The virus doesn't care if you kiss black people's feet. Let me loot and burn down your liveihood then faggot. How do you feel about that? Either that people aren't being tested or all the vulnerable people died and everyone else gained immunity.
Logan Morgan
>why don't fish just stop swimming like fish?
Adam Thompson
Marxists and negros, perfect match. Useful idiots of the same cognitive capacity.
Owen Taylor
>one larping faggot posed for 10 seconds lol so trashy that the building has christmas lights on all year round
William Davis
>the oppressive white supremacist police state that kills black people for fun (。´・ω・)?
Colton Myers
I hate the left so much BUT I am sure the owner of that gaming lounge was a leftist faggot
There are more factors than just crowding. Many of the protesters wore masks. Many of the protesters were outdoors and constantly mobile. And in the grand scheme of things, there actually were not as many protesters as people believe (thousands in states with millions of people).
Reopening the economy is much more significant in spreading COVID because it involves business in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, where people are stationary, and it also involves millions of people.
I guess we can go back to the beaches then The virus is over everybody.
Ryan Howard
and right wingers are ignoring a virus that is killing off droves of old white baby boomers Zig Forums has rotted your brain
Parker Brown
>Either that people aren't being tested or all the vulnerable people died and everyone else gained immunity. What do you mean people aren't being tested? The number of tests in New York doubled
>Europeans laughing at Americans because of niggers >Their leaders have been bringing in as many niggers as possible for the last decade lol can't wait until you retards have to deal with this.
Nicholas Flores
A registered sex offender and repeated violent offender had a scuffle with cops, and after cops told him to stop while he had a knife or something out he went to get something out of his car instead. With guns still drawn the cops tried to pull him out of the car, presuming he was going for a gun since he was clearly confrontational and non compliant, he wouldn't and so the cop shot him several times. He lived and is now a millionaire from donations.
Jose Gomez
I don't follow any conspiracy theories. I'm just telling you that there's a virus going around, and you can assume that anyone in large gatherings will get sick. Simple as that. Wearing a mask will not protect you 100%, and if you've gone outside recently you can see people doing all sorts of risky things with their masks. Most people aren't used to wearing it 24/7 so obviously there will be some mistakes.
San Diegan here, me too. A few years back with the first nog riots (was it Elliot or something? I forget) some nogs and college kids ran onto the freeway and got hit by cars
Everyone here basically cheered and the driver got off scot-free. Fuck 'em.
Chase Peterson
I hope more niggers die.
Jack Garcia
They didn't have the Google approved "Black owned" business.
Juan Adams
>and right wingers are ignoring a virus that is killing off droves of old white baby boomers It's actually unironically killing off more black people.
Joseph Brooks
somebody post the webm of the BLM sign surrounded by fire i know someone ITT has it on hand
Anthony Morgan
People literally have been going back to beaches, flyover lmao
Brandon Anderson
So you're saying New York did not have a lot of protests
Ok bud. Also, why didn't Massachusetts see a spike in cases after the protests?
they made the mistake of assuming black people can read
Justin Green
>It's not niggers fault. Unironically true, they literally are not made to live in Western society. They should be returned to Africa and that whole continent should be treated as a reserve, preventing other races from entering and screwing with the natives. Continuing to force blacks to live in a society designed for other races is cruel.
Thomas Martinez
>medium Fucking kek. Anybody can write shit on that site that didn't happen.
Alexander Richardson
Masks don't protect you from the virus. Your eyes, ears, and mucus membrane is still a vector for it. It only stops you from spreading it if you're already infected. >Reopening the economy is much more significant in spreading COVID because it involves business in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation True, but it's impossible to tell if this correlated with the protests at this point. The study claiming there is no link outright states that it doesn't know, and the health experts in charge of understanding it were urging people to go to protests and get sick because the social justice was worth it. usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2020-06-05/covid-19-concerns-shouldnt-shut-down-police-brutality-protests-health-experts
Adrian Baker
I am not the one saying some fag taking a picture to look tough and mimic a historical event is some based guy who you would otherwise see as a subhuman bugman
Levi Hughes
If all cops are bastards does that means all blacks are niggers?
Samuel Scott
Americans should have a hateboner for the creature who causes these issues, the nigger. But American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers
Ryan Howard
Virtue signaling is over. White businesses will burn. If you are not a black owned business on Google.
Isaiah Moore
segregate all blacks to a single state. Watch howall the other 49 states become utopias over night
Kayden Richardson
>yeah, were shutting down because of property damage >Corona what?
Alexander Hughes
Well there were states where the number of cases didn't significantly spike up even though they were hotspots for the protests, so yeah. That's what the data says. Most of the protesters wore masks or were outdoors
Angel Jones
>They should be returned to Africa Africans hate African Americans.
Alexander Jones
You're fucking retarded
Thomas Edwards
>Meanwhile in Mexico.
Oliver Carter
Almost everyone who was talking about insurance policies does not own a business and have no idea how these policies work. It's nowhere near as simple as just collecting a check for the damages.
These people genuinely are scum, especially with how they won't fucking denounce rioting and instead insist that it's okay because "places can rebuild". There's no justification for burning down and looting random fucking businesses because you got upset at the police.
Oliver White
I'm from california, jackass.
Jack Rogers
I still don't understand how some person killing another person turns into free riots and looting for days Looting and vandalism are crimes, and cultural "movements" are not a justification in any way worst of all, it's always foot locker and nike stores. come on
Sebastian Garcia
Did you just fucking win?
Matthew Watson
>i-it's fake news every fucking time. the author literally has nothing to gain by making shit up
Carter Perry
>the absolute state of the United States When will it end? Everything here has went upside down.