Will it have any chance without the infamous Nintendo and Zelda bonuses?

Will it have any chance without the infamous Nintendo and Zelda bonuses?

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There is no such thing as a nintendo or zelda bonus
There is only a movie game bonus

It's not a very good game, so I don't think that matters.

it's going to be a 7 without the bonus then

You saying if Botw didn't have Zelda words and pictures on it and wasn't released by Nintendo people would've cared about it?

Yes because the game on it's own is a masterpiece

It has the gachatard bonus.

It'll do fine even though it shouldn't unless it's one product and done with in-game unlockables, not gachashit.

It's not. You just proved my point. Nintendo and Zelda bonuses are real.

It depends on if it's a WoW clone or not. If it is, it'll fail. If it's not, then it has a chance.

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Are you retarded.

Depends how much damage the monetization does to the gameplay.

>game is literally a carbon copy of a successful acclaimed game

Think about it OP.

It wouldn't be getting any attention if it wasn't trying to be BotW, especially from faggots who are hoping it's a Zelda killer

it's gacha so it has no chance based on that. But yes I do think it's immediately going to be subject to "UHH ITS JUST LIKE BOTW ITS COPYING IT" despite botw just being a gigantic scraping of open world features from the last decade of games and knocking all those off.

Lol, Sonyfags still crying that “Nintendo bonus” exists when Sony always makes commercial failures and still wins goty from critics.
>1991 - Sonic - Sega - platform
>1992 - SF2 - Capcom - fighting
>1993 - MK1 - Midway - fighting
>1994 - DKC - Nintendo - platform
>1995 - DKC2 - Nintendo - platform
>1996 - SM64 - Nintendo - platform
>1997 - GE007 - Nintendo - fps
>1998 - OOT - Nintendo - puzzle
>1999 - S.Cal - Namco - fighting

>2000 - Sims - EA - simulation
>2001 - GTA 3 - Rockstar - open world
>2002 - Prime - Nintendo - fps
>2003 - Kotor - Bioware - Wrpg
>2004 - Hl2 - Valve - fps
>2005 - Re4 - Capcom - horror
>2006 - Tes4 - Bethesda - open world
>2007 - Bioshock - 2K - Fps
>2008 - Fo3 - Bethesda - open world
>2009 - Uncharted 2 - Sony - movie

>2010 - Rdr1 - Rockstar - Open world
>2011 - TesV - Bethesda - Open world
>2012 - TWD - Telltale - Movie
>2013 - TLOU - Sony - Movie
>2014 - DA:I - Bioware - Open world
>2015 - Tw3 - CDPR - Open world
>2016 - OW - Blizzard - Moba
>2017 - Botw - Nintendo - Open world
>2018 - Gow4 - Sony - Movie
>2019 - Re2 - Capcom - Horror
>2020 - Tlou2 - Sony - Movie

Beyond looking kind of like it from a wide perspective and being open world it's nothing like BotW anyway.
However, it's going to unironically be GotY.

I put off playing BotW because Zelda had been declining in quality since OoT and I actually hated Twilight Princess. I only played it because my friend, who has great taste in everything, was singing its praises.

So yes, it’s an excellent game on its own.

>Not a single good game this century outside of 2002 & 2005
Gaming is dead

It's got the gacha minus so take that as you will.

How fucking delusional are you?

lmao delusional. Both Sony and Nintendo recieve huge reviewer bonuses based on their names alone. Which is not really that big of a deal. Their games are generally good, so idk what the problem is

No they don’t idiot. Bonus implies the critic score is way higher than the user scores on most websites. Which implies for Snoy movie games that 80% of people never finish but not for Nintendo

lmao the bonus applies to users as well

do you think the nintendo bonus is even a drop in the bucket compared to the fact it's on mobile?
literally every anime chinknigger is going to be cooming daily 10/10 it has waifus and lets me spend all my money

there are actual generals dedicated to these non-games on this very site, if the gacha coomers can actually convince themselves that this shovelware gachatrash is actually videogames then they can convince themselves that the first time anyone has made a serious attempt at making an actual gacha video game is a 10/10 game

The Zelda bonus is definitely real as confirmed by Skyward Sword metacritic scores and how overrated Ocarina of Time is relative to how poorly it has aged. The "Nintendo Bonus" as a whole is much less obvious if it does exist outside of the Zelda franchise

this isn't a gacha dumbass, it's a chink BOTW clone

>generic open world with no sense of progression or real value in exploration
>a masterpiece
People have such god damn shit taste these days. That game is such a pathetic piece of shit and I hate everyone who rated it highly or thinks it's anything other than generic trash.

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Cope harder & cry more to the Janny sonyroach

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It has zero chances, it's a MOBILE, FREE TO PLAY, GACHA, CHINESE "game".

It's barely even worth mentioning.

It's a gacha, user.