I can't believe he's fucking dead

I can't believe he's fucking dead

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>pencil neck squeaky manlet faggot making the same 10:01 video over and over and over for his preteen audience
Eat a fucking dick, faggot. This is a board for video games.

she didn't die she just turned into princess zelda

>>>/incel/, hell, even would be a more fitting place to talk about this faggot

his last videos were like 9:40. nu-leafy was peak youtube.

user, just because Tetra is a bit tomboyish doesn't mean she's a dude.
Now, where's that user that has that massive LinkXTetra collection?

At least he's not kike3kike3

I loved it how the moment Idubbz got in hot water, Leafy crawled out of his grave.

Wind Waker hentai is weird.

Good, cringe 2016 YouTube content

>at least a jew is not like another jew

Leafy is my personal idols. He's a modern Goebbels, and the definitve heel of YouTube.

>I know hes cancer but at least hes not cancer
fuck off

>Went full Zig Forums When not youtubing
Yeah, this nigger is based.

Fuck off back to kiwifarms, Joshuan

you have to be 18 to post here
>Zig Forums
those retards don't know anything about anything. they sit there all day circlejerking whatever dumb crypto is the new 1 week long fad pretending it's a better investment then any stocks.

And yet he shat on h3h3 for making fun of him after he got banned from YouTube.

>Used to cheer for Idubbbz and hate Leafy
>Over the years Idubbbz caught the "incel youtuber's first girlfriend syndrome" got soft and stopped being funny
>Now cheer for Leafy and Keemstar because i hate Icuckz and Eth*n Kl*in

Again he's dead again. It's crazy how the internet collectively said fuck leafy for the second time.

having the brain of a 12 year old is nothing to be proud of

>peak youtube
you're fucking retarded

>taking sides in youtube drama

Post the Tetra porn.

Idubbbz just got lazy and started making videos at a snail's pace.

It just dawned on me that this meant leafy was likely a windwaker fan and now I feel absolutely stupid

t. Missed out on link and aave

It's not even that
He stopped being honest and got irony poisoned
His kickstarter videos were the best
Looking at him then and now, it's so hard to believe it's the same dude from only 5-7 years ago
It's like watching someone's soul getting sucked out

good riddance

It's weird.
>Leafy was used to be considered one of the worst on the site
>Everyone agreed with Idubbz and h3h3 videos about how awful leafy is
>Years pass
>Idubbz becomes a fucking faggot
>h3h3 becomes rich overbragging retard who owns a mansion
>Leafy was good all this time
>Only died because of a awful female streamer

that's what you get for making fun of h3h3 and my queen pokimane!!!!!!

what was the point of this loser? he's just keemstar for 12 year olds but 12 year olds already watch keemstar

>Literally who e-celeb is forced to get a real job
And nothing of value was lost

Everyone pussyfoots around content claims so much that it's nice to have someone throw down in a totally juvenile way like back in 2016.