Just beat this a few days ago. dlc is like 50 levels higher than me

just beat this a few days ago. dlc is like 50 levels higher than me
do i really gotta grind? because i wont.

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Nah, what you need to do is uninstall that piece of shit and play Sekiro instead.

aside from dodging sekiro looks mashy asf

It looks mashy only to people who never played it.
Sekiro has the perfect sword combat system. Play it and you'll realize how much of a piece of shovelware Nioh (and most action games) are.

>installed the game
>you dodge with X
>interract with O
>if you change it the menus will be impossible to manage
>first mobs are literal trash
>gets out of prison
>meets 2 guarding knights who two shot you
>game has Dark Souls 1 dodges where enemies can still hit you even if you dodged
>i was told this was Bloodborne in better
Yeah I uninstalled it, was very fun watching an anglo wearing some weird Sea People giant Axe but I don't see myself going through another DS1

Nioh is easily one of the worst Souls clones in the market; it isn't the worst because Coom Vain exists.
Some "people" shills it because they want to be unique contrarian special snowflakes.

I didnt grind at all and played DLC right after main campaign. It is a bit of a difficulty spike but the main game was super easy

Say hi to centipednigger from me if you do end up playing it

>game has Dark Souls 1 dodges where enemies can still hit you even if you dodged
and whats wrong with that you colossal nigger?
>I don't see myself going through another DS1

Just play some co-op, you'll probably find a match or two and it'll help grind easily. That's what I did.
But no amount of grind is gonna help you beat that centipede fucker.

Damn, you got filtered by the prologue. If you wanna roll just double press dodge. If you sway or whatever it was, you're gonna get hit.

>Sekiro has the perfect sword combat system.
somehow i think you're lying.

>>if you change it the menus will be impossible to manage

ki pulsing is like breathing i really enjoy that. too bad that I cant find the boss on the spiders level. looked up some guides and its all text with no pictures, aint trying to read a book

he is not lying
its the best action game ever made

Sekiro cultists are sad

>mostly 1v1s
>best action game ever made
ya right zoomer

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>optimal way to play is spam izuma drop
wow amazing gameplay

not even

>1 weapon
>mostly 1v1s
>best action game ever made

Tell me of an izuna drop that doesn't leave you exposed once it's done please, they will catch you on mn.

still better than sad dark souls niggers stuck with 2 action buttons in their heads
if you talk about fighting normal enemies you are right
if you talk about bosses then big no no

get baited retards, never even played a ninja gayden

this is your brain after playing bugman garbage like dark souls 3

oh so i guess MGR:R is a fucking shit because 1 weapon and mostly 1v1

do ng+ first then go do dlc on ng im not kidding
or just dont the dlcs are alright but nothing exceptional

Then don't.

>not even
>assumes his bait was a success
why are zoomers so retarded

Gear matters more than level. What I did was run the first mission on the new difficulty and then went back and did the dlc on the starting difficulty with the new gear I got and it went fine.

>and whats wrong with that you colossal nigger?
Then why dodge?
This game is literally Dark Souls, so I have to block, get a tank build and never dodge or if I do I must spam them like a retard?
I know that, you still get hit, it has the same mechanic than Dark Souls 1
Yeah i bet it's very funny to exit menus by pressing X and to interact with O
On a serious note, those things just made me very unsatisfied but the main issue was the loot in my opinion, there is no exploration is all RNG which is a complete trash concept for a "souls" like, I literally respawned the zone 2 times to get my character in fully blue set, that's not fun

you can beat the whole game at level 1

thnx for the tip

show me

The random loot system is what ruins Nioh and its sequel.
You have to spend dozens of hours grinding until you get a gear with the correct synergies; if you don't do that both enemies and bosses become damage sponges almost impossible to kill, only for the next level to force you to do the same due to level increase.

MGR has more than 1 weapon you fucking retard, it also has deeper offense than Sekiro where you literally just mash the same R1 string the entire game during any opening.
>inb4 b-but sekiro has special moves
They are useful only incredibly situational and ultimately you are always better to just mash R1. The R2 even is completely useless. Sekiro has an objectively less complex combat system than fucking Bloodborne, let alone any of the big character action/cuhrazy games.

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