Wake up

>wake up
>get a nice cuppa
>set skype status on busy
>log into steam for another day of gaming

Yea... i’m thinking KINO.

Attached: C6D1B901-8D9A-469F-B8BB-FE960269010F.jpg (394x329, 15.47K)

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fuck i gotta make myself a cup now

How do you like your coffee, Zig Forums?

Attached: coffeee.png (600x513, 156.54K)


Attached: 349ac6119a467aaae82aed883275ac457c863cbc39c9ef0819286b8022e522e0.png (300x250, 30.39K)

Black with a pinch of sugar sometimes. Coffee has had less of an effect on me since having a kid desu

>blocks ur path

Attached: Tetley-Super-Green-Tea-Boost-ENG.png (635x570, 75.29K)

>catch coronavirus
>cannot taste coffee
>mochas/breves taste just like steamed water
I want to go back.

>frog thread
>it's garbage

I hope you die from it, friend :)

I'm out of coffee

Attached: tn-1-5_26.jpg (650x650, 64.53K)

heres to a speedy recovery friend
t. euroshit

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