Opus Magnum

What do you think about Opus Magnum and what are Zig Forums's favorite puzzle games?

Attached: opusmagnum.gif (826x647, 1.63M)

Love it, although Im a brainlet for this kind of games. Dumping some gifs.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Airship Fuel (210G, 53, 26, 2019-04-05-20-01-51).gif (826x647, 1.21M)

bump for gifs of moving things


Attached: Opus Magnum - Face Powder (40G, 83, 7, 2019-04-02-22-45-33).gif (826x647, 930.04K)


Attached: Opus Magnum - Hair Product (60G, 114, 9, 2019-04-06-21-55-01).gif (826x647, 1.76M)

I've heard of it, seen others play it and enjoy the concept. Never tried it myself though, as I am a brainlet. Currently enjoying Shapez.io because its relatively simple and can now see myself buying things like this and Factorio in the future.


Attached: Opus Magnum - Hair Product (260G, 56, 32, 2019-04-06-21-37-05).gif (826x647, 1.53M)


Attached: Opus Magnum - Hangover Cure (210G, 45, 14, 2019-04-02-23-08-27).gif (826x647, 806.08K)


Attached: Opus Magnum - Health Tonic (115G, 58, 22, 2019-04-05-22-09-31).gif (826x647, 1.2M)

areafags where we are
fuck cycles fuck cost