>user doesnt understand a word of japanese
>still turns on jap dub
>pretends to enjoy it even though he can't tell whether it's good or not
If you don't understand japanese you can't appreciate it end of story.
All this begging towards dev to implement it for retarded weebs is really pathetic.
Just import the game if you know japanese.
User doesnt understand a word of japanese
are you still mad I called out your shit taste in the xiv thread
the english dub is objectively awful my dude
I import my games, what now shitposter?
English dubs are always awful if the source is non-english unless it's comedic
i know this is bait but
>pretends to enjoy it even though he can't tell whether it's good or not
that's the point. i can tell the english VA is bad but with the japanese VA I can't tell so it's neutral at worst
why do americans like to listen to 1 of 3 different 40 year olds poorly attempt to sound like a teenage girl
Not everyone is American, retarded OP.
I don't even play that pedo game
Voice actor could be farting in the mic and you would still call it good.
Weebs have room temp IQ holy shit
Why do white roasties seethe so hard about Asian women? I never see white men seethe over Asian men.
Totally not made by a guy who's rent free