What happened? Why is Nintendo the way they are now? Is it Furukawa? Something is wrong and I don't know what it is.
Nintendo is dead. This is era of NuTendo
We'll know at that meeting they called for September.
At the end of the day this year has been insanely good from the business side, so I'm sure nobody has an issue with Furukawa.
If AC wasn't delayed they would have been forced to get their shit together. Furukawa doesn't care about having a consistent release schedule and will just coast on AC sales.
Nintendo was dead, the moment iwata died. We warned you ahead of time, but you only have yourself to blame for falling into marketing hype for wii u ports.
The problem is people were just happy to be rid of the Wii U
it was the last real Nintendo system but no one appreciated what they had because "lolwii cashuul" memes, and now everyone else is only finally catching up to what we knew 4 years ago
Nintencocksuckers don‘t mind having no games and even defend nintendo so nothing is gonna happen
>have one direct showing off mini titles
Wii U was a shitty console. Lets not kid ourselves Zig Forums
you're an adult, act like one
pretty much and now that the wii u port stash is dwindling, all of a sudden there are no games being announced or developed, and all you get are third party reels. It was bound to happen eventually.