I always hear PC Master Race types talking about how playing on a console is pointless, that you can build a better gaming PC for the price of a console.

So, put it to test then, boys. Prove you aren't lying and a let's see your pS4/XBOX1 Priced build.

Attached: main2edit.jpg (560x560, 41.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>buy refurbished office pc with a i7 and 8g ram for like $150
>stick a $70 used gtx 970 in it
there you go.

>buys the cheapest modern card still in stock today
There I can already run every game with better performance than both consoles. That was easy.

unless console player can live without pc or they will still spend extra money on non-gaming pc which still cost around $250

All vague answers that explain Nothing.

as dumb as expected from a consolefag. a ps4's frankengpu is equivalent to a $40 GTX 750ti card

Bro they just explained you. If you are too ignorant on computer hardware you shouldn't be asking how to match a but rather ask how computer parts are valued and their power.

>>buy refurbished office pc with a i7 and 8g ram for like $150
Haha top kek

Nobody ever said it's cheaper than a console. I'd spend $1400 on a RTX 3090 without a second thought but it'd take some real good exclusives to make me want to get a new console.

>Nobody ever said it's cheaper than a console.
It is cheaper than a console. You have to be retarded to think otherwise.