SO THEN... I always hear PC Master Race types talking about how playing on a console is pointless, that you can build a better gaming PC for the price of a console.
So, put it to test then, boys. Prove you aren't lying and a let's see your pS4/XBOX1 Priced build.
>buy refurbished office pc with a i7 and 8g ram for like $150 >stick a $70 used gtx 970 in it there you go.
Nicholas Campbell
>buys the cheapest modern card still in stock today There I can already run every game with better performance than both consoles. That was easy.
Nolan Phillips
unless console player can live without pc or they will still spend extra money on non-gaming pc which still cost around $250
Julian Lewis
All vague answers that explain Nothing.
Jack Walker
as dumb as expected from a consolefag. a ps4's frankengpu is equivalent to a $40 GTX 750ti card
Logan Campbell
Bro they just explained you. If you are too ignorant on computer hardware you shouldn't be asking how to match a but rather ask how computer parts are valued and their power.
Parker Russell
>>buy refurbished office pc with a i7 and 8g ram for like $150 Haha top kek
Nicholas Hughes
Nobody ever said it's cheaper than a console. I'd spend $1400 on a RTX 3090 without a second thought but it'd take some real good exclusives to make me want to get a new console.
Justin Adams
>Nobody ever said it's cheaper than a console. It is cheaper than a console. You have to be retarded to think otherwise.