I don't get it
Cause you're not a reddit fag
roflstomping people in multiplayer vidya is good unless it's RTS because you can git gud and eventually roflstomp back but it's just too tiresome to try out-doing the +10 actions per second adderall-fueled south korean
Sad when something like this hits so close to home, especially now when little boys can do no right in society.
>especially now when little boys can do no right in society.
2 tru I cry ab this alot *sadface emoji*
>why do the other kids not reward me for sucking at playing soccer?
>wow I was just drawing shit instead of paying attention in class, why is the teacher so mean to me?
>um why are mom and dad upset? I was just hitting this clock with a hammer
>is the videogame telling me that I'm great because I did something right? no, it must be because society is gay
One of these days things will get better
i dont get it