Fall Guys

Why does it make Zig Forums seethe so much?
Does nu-Zig Forums now unironically worship brown and bloom shit or are they that shit at a party game they cant help but cope

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I still haven't gotten a win yet :(

I dono but its hilarious. I post fall guys stuff everywhere just to watch the fallout of the spastic retards.

Zig Forums are contrarians who actually despise video games fundamentally and Fall Guys is the most "video game" video game in several years

>Why does it make Zig Forums seethe so much?
Its fun.

It's just Nintendo babies projecting, most probably.

>gritty movie games bad
>game with pure gameplay and colorful style comes out
admit it, if fall guys was a nintendo exclusive Zig Forums would worship it

I'm glad this has people's attention over the millionth shooter but the game itself is rather mediocre.
If it gets continual support to make itself more up to standards, then it may be better. Though I guess it is a 20$ game so for that price tag, it's decent enough.

Why isnt thede a /vn/ containment bord the the nintendoo man babies yet?

Careful, you can't criticize Fall Guy's at all without being piled on by "Cope", "Seethe" and "sales" comments here on Zig Forums apparently.