Releases in 2 days

>releases in 2 days
>no threads
Zig Forums is dead to me

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I like snow games

with these you have to wait 6-12 months for the bug free Director's Cut version

Open your fucking eyes cocksucker.

Zig Forums thinks it's reddit, pathetic children here whine about every small detail. to be honest Zig Forums is much more reasonable than this shithole of a board.

The lack of hype and marketing is either a very good sign, or a very bad sign.

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Second game sucked and nobody here cares, not even the few who play video games.

why did they make vargas into a cuck? he was based and now his wife fucks some Atchison,? it's not even relevant to the game they just make you watch

I liked the 2nd one enough to replay it twice so I'm deffo gonna get it.

I got the CE. Can't wait.

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