
Attached: 9cef4663d3ea99a7ba54e6dbcc64fed0cef6d3ed.png (256x256, 42.03K)

but why

hmmmm i sleep

First link is a literal who, second link is a fanboy YouTube.

Op go and stay go.

some guy called maldraw that gaben follows on twitter cursed the shit out of valve if theyre not doing anything to their old franchises.
since sweeney is winning, gaben got scared and decided to do the guys bidding. also the reason why you keep seeing bees on valve products lately, the maldraw guy uses a bee for his profile pic.

isnt that the dlc survival map from the first game

meant to respond to this

aaaand it's nothing

Is tyler so starved for money he needs to shill his videos here every single day? You're pathetic dude.

Five bucks its like every other Tyler mcshitter vid. Patch notes with the most uninspired gameplay footage and stupid speculation

>just a fan map


Apparently the Last Stand survival map is the only map that wasn't carried over from Left 4 Dead 1 to 2. Who knows maybe they'll throw in some weapons or even a full campaign

>AKA the guy who bought all the indies except for Fall Guys

valve has said literally nothing about this

I really don't think it'll just be the map, there'll be SOMETHING else added

>bees on valve products lately
no? also top tier schizo logic

Cold Stream was a community-made DLC campaign too. Surprised that Valve didn't take advantage of this and put a shitload of community campaigns in the game, would've kept the playerbase going, myself included

Is this shit even official? Seems like some fuckin mod to me

>you keep seeing bees on valve products lately,
I'd call bullshit on that, but this is pretty weird. Also just recently we finally got a HL related TF2 cosmetic.
Maybe there is something to it idk someone ask gaben about this.

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg (268x268, 24.98K)

It's official expect a l4d blog post soon

>Valve finally fixes all of the bugs present in vanilla L4D2
I fucking hope so.

Attached: catblanket.webm (720x720, 446.74K)

>VNN second link
no thanks pal

>Bragging about fucking indie games

mike shut the fuck up and get out. you'll never be an e-celeb

I remember it being a long-ass process (a year or two?) of tweaking the map to get it up to "Valve-approved" standards, and even after that Cold Stream is much rougher around the edges than any of the official maps. I imagine Valve decided they never wanted to go through this headache again, and just left it up to the community to make, share, and discover their own maps like they did before.

Hey Mike why are you still trying to viral yourself on Zig Forums if you shut down your patreon my dude?

Attached: lmao.png (1816x1426, 1.17M)

Christ Chan isn't even your creation. lol

>Valve Announces
>no actual announcement from Valve in the video.
Now that's what I call clickbait.

he's a witch or someshit not an eceleb

he's a malaysian parasite who lives to eat sawdust and shit up drawthreads

lmao cumming soon

then why would gaben be scared of this guy?

he isnt. maldraw is just full of shit like he is 100% of the time

i looked you up and you have less than 500 followers. the fuck are you on about you actual nobody.

This Maldraw guy is insane.

if you read his tweets you can feel an evil aura emitting through em like youre hearing demons whispering
i shit you not this guy's deffo supernatural and is probably the devil himself. real scary shit

jesus christ shut the fuck up mike

>community update
Seems like someone bugged Valve enough that they just said "fine" as long as other people will do the work for them.

they did that with tf2 since like 2012, valve are lazy shits

they should update left 4 dead 2 to the new engine.