Yo, Fall Guys twitter be spitting fire. They all the success they have. Fucking A game.
Yo, Fall Guys twitter be spitting fire. They all the success they have. Fucking A game
speak English nigoomer
>12 million likes
what the fuck
>twitter screencap
Fucking ace. Can't wait for all the redditors to SEETHE lmao
lol their heads aren't down towards their phones.
the guy on the right behind the whore looks familiar
the way the artist made them look weird is making their faces disproportionately big for their heads
the chemical look
Why is Thom Yorke on the right? Are all these other people famous and I just don't recognize them?
Where? I cant seem to find your mother here
>when you try to discuss games on Zig Forums
is the a boomer phones bad comic?
Daily reminder less than 40% of Americans even use Twitter, so using twitter as your indicator of reality is pretty retarded.
The majority of people have never been to twitter.
how about using the english language with a brain?
at least then you could convince smarter people that a twitter screencap is worth their time.
I sincerely hope you suffocate if you're still lacking self-awareness.
Dude, its less than 2%
got a little toasty there roastie?
I mean, 1% is less than 40% so the statement is still technically correct. The best kind.
does anyone else see that fucking alien in the orange hoodie all the way in the back
That's Radiohead.
globeheads when i talk about flat earth
Deep and powerful
Is similar to Thom Yorke, the singer from Radiohead.
What? It's much much less.
that's hilarious. this game is dead in two weeks, and by dead I truly mean it
Which makes the statement still correct.
it's called having the fluoride stare user
>does anyone see the image im looking at
yes, but it looks like a girl with blonde hair
>Hiring community managers instead of investing that money into the game
Do they think it's like a timeless classic or something lol
Oh it's some weird conservative schizo thing?
Bot spam, similar to how china handles online criticisms
They sold seven million steam copies
I'm pretty sure they can afford another community manager.
Oh! Herro!
That's only 12,000, OP is mexican
wow some fat virgin said its gonna happen and truly meant it!!
Mil is Spanish for thousand, OP is an ESL twitter user.
excuse me I'm not fat
I don't get it.
kinda looks like limmy
its a meme and its funny
>globeheads be like
still not fixing the delayed inputs on ps4 lmao
>spitting fire
>niggers and nigger wannabes need to die