My thoughts on Risk of Rain 2

I'm completely disappointed by the full release of this game. Several characters are still either completely OP or worthless. This game is even more RNG dependent than the last. The level design is mediocre at best and awful at worst. The levels are far too big for lower mobility characters so you'll be running huge distances. This is even more frustrating in multiplayer.

I'll mainly be directing my concerns to the last level which encapsulates all the flaws this game has. The final stage is boring and empty. Unlike the first game there's nothing interesting about it.
If you didn't get movement items you'll essentially spend five minutes running through an empty corridor with a few enemies.

Once you get to the boss it basically comes down to: "do you have hopoo feathers?".

He also has a stage where he steals your items allowing him to easily kill you in one hit, especially with the worse characters. Most of the time in this game you will die in just one or two hits, there's no sense of pressure. One moment you are doing extremely well and the next you are dead. It feels random.

Risk of rain 1 worked primarily because of its 2d environment. The devs unfortunately tried to literally translate many of its items and features without regard for its functionality in a 3d environment. It ends up feeling like a mess.

I've spent many hours on this game at this point and it was purely because I thought it would get better, especially with the full release. I was wrong. This game isn't fun like the first one was, nor does it have its style. It's an exercise in frustration and nothing more.

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>the game is even more rng dependent than the last
stopped reading after that they literally implemented scrappers that completely negate the rng. get better retard.

discord tranny

How do I unsubscribe from OP's blog post? Will post my own tiddy if someone helps.

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if youre gonna cry about rng in a roguelite while their being scrappers and printers you should go to the discord yourself

>risky thread OP is some reddit blog copypasta
Send me to gay baby jail

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>OP is a faggot

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nice blog post, upboated

can somebody please dump some risky 1 infographics ?

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