WoW Classic

It's been a year, are you still playing? Are you excited for TBC?

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I stopped playing right before honor patch hit. Had 60 orc warrior, epic mount, dual crusader and lionheart helm.

And no, I'm NOT coming back

No, I moved on to FFXIV and I'm having a way better time.

raiding is fucking boring fuck this stupid game wasted like 100$ leveling to 60

I pick it up to wpvp every couple weeks, then stop. I will be back in full swing once BC comes about. The PVP grind is absolutely retarded in classic, compared to the arena in BC. Thats an objective truth too, rewards should not be based off of how much time you spent in PVP, but more how well you performed in PVP.



I played regularly until a little after P2. Had 60 a little before a month in, never cared to farm gold for epic mount. Came back for a bit with P3, got Lionheart Helm plans within my first 10 runs of DM and sold it for 1500g and got epic mount. Have popped in now and then since. Only geared with preraid bis and about half MC/Ony gear. I hope I have enough time to get bored of Shadow lands before tBC comes, and I'll be excited, I have 4 friends I've been helping get to 60 recently and I'm hoping to arena with them.

I'm pretty much just waiting for naxx at this point. I've always wanted to clear it in vanilla but our guild couldn't kill 4hm

>paying for carries

>that first month
Shit was hype. I might play when BC comes out. Playing FF14 instead at the moment.

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Not playing TBC. If there is no option to remain in classic, I am leaving

no because I'm not a fucking communist

>are you still playing?

No, I quit after 2 weeks. Cant believe it took me that long to realize WoW is total dogshit with a terrible community.


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I’ve enjoyed it somewhat but it’s pretty pointless that we got left with a broken ass game with no fixes to common problems (PvP), uselessness of half the classes, servers massively imbalanced

I think a private server would be better at this point. They would be more interested in making changes than blizzard is

im considering coming back and leveling a new character. dont care about the grind, I like it. I was on skeram when I quit, but I heard its dead now. Whats the best high pop american server right now?

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The community problem stems from the fact it’s a solved game. People simply don’t want to play in less optimised ways and hell since we know all there is about WoW classic now you can’t really fight them. I’d love to raid as a Ret Paladin but people won’t take me like they did in 2006

If raiding classic doesn't put you to sleep then you're a certified brainlet

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It’s boring but PvP is based so it’s worth it for that. They should have separated the sets better so somehow PvE babies can’t use their raid shit to beat PvP chads and PvP chads can’t use their enormous Rank 14 cocks to muscle into raids without progression

I quit back in November, and then picked it up again in April because of covid. Played about a month and I still get the occasional itch. But I killed Ned and don’t wanna grind for shit for the higher end raids so I consider myself done. AQ and Nax are NG+ as far as I’m concerned. I will go back for BC though. 100%

>layers in 2020

fuck off blizz faggots

Imagine giving Blizzard money in 2020 lmao

I played when EoW came out and I played it until the recent expansion. I stopped enjoying myself after Mists of Pandaria. I even tried Classic, but I realized the whole game boils down to Dungeons, Battlegrounds or Raids as your primary designation for entertainment. All of three whole choices do not change how you play except for a shift in agency for how you play it. Even exploration was killed when wall-walking, wall-walking or wall-jimping were left out of Classic; they even deleted GM Island from both Retail and Classic. The game is a souless husk of repeating a laundry list: Grind daily content for gear so you can be more effective at grinding more content for more gear. There is no choice of game freedom in terms of non-combat and customization, even in 2020, is absolutely god-awful. It doesn't help for me that my unironic drughead of a whore that is my ex decided to start playing, nor that Activision are Chinese Communist Party sympathizers.

I've moved on and enjoy much better games these days. You'd do best to move on as well, user.

Classic pvp is such a fucking slog


Had fun leveling and doing MC with the boys, not much reason to keep playing. TBC is literally the same as retail so why the fuck would I ever play that? I get that most kids in here have nostalgia for it since that's when they started.

when does it get good? cause leveling sucks dick

Is there still a PLEX-like system with gold?

>Inferior experience to original vanilla.
>Inferior experience to private servers, but you have to pay for it

It's been an absolute shit experience, but it wasn't a failure popularity wise.
TBC on the other hand is going to be dead as fuck since it's even more of a snorefest than Classic (if you aren't a pillar humping monkey).

>wow in 2020
it's time to let go, even if you are the biggest NEET ever there are better games out there for you

At the end of ARR the story and plot pick up a bit. Felt like a sharp quality increase as soon as Heavensward started.

My last login was precisely 11 months ago.

Classic just ended up getting me back into retail, but I'm happy it's still moving along, was cool to see stuff like the gates happen again

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What do you call this resolution?

I played before the ARR event concluded and the content was garbage. The only fuel for me was pure FF aesthetics driving me on. The story sucked ass and the world was mostly barren. I mean what was the purpose of those high level areas with nothing to do? About the only thing that was really cool was being there at the end of the old game and the event being a literal destruction of the world.

The combat movement could be neat but you barely use it until you fight the harder bosses. Regular enemies in fact don’t let you use directional moves which makes some classes really dull to level

got the c'thun mace tonight

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Ultra widescreen or 21:9

Layers are gone.

"Fucking retarded."

Pretty much nobody plays the lower levels, and if you're on a PVP server, you just get ganked 24/7. Impossible to find groups for dungeons as compared to the first couple months, everyone just buys boosts.

I levelled up a warrior in April, and I just grinded the entire time since it's so hard to find groups even as a tank.