Best rumble roses character coming through

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In my fantasy booking league my top guy is basically a rule 63 of Dixie

rumble roses makes me COOM

When are we getting Rumble Roses XXX?

They should make a new actually good rumble rose game. the time is right with WWE shitting the bed the last 4 years.

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I disagree, but respect your opinion.

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This game couldn't be made today.Good luck getting a sequel that isn't a pachinko machine.

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nice tits

The franchise killed itself with its obtuse sequel on the 360 more than 13 years ago, now that sexualized japanese games are getting the stinky eye more than ever, what makes you think Konami, who doesn’t care about anything but mobiles and pachinko, would resurrect a series that already failed them years ago? Better fire up the original PS2 game in an emulator or a PS2 If you still have it.

The fact Microsoft and Konami made XX available with the backwards program is a miracle, even if the game underperformed hard.

>the time is right
The time with so many publishers caving to "sexualization bad"? Japan is scared is approaching this issue on high alert, they aren’t eliminating sexual stuff from their games completely like the west is doing, but they are very weary of what the international public might think of them now,

Konami abandoned Rumble Roses when they still cared about video games, now Konami doesn’t care about video games outside mobile experiences, Rumble Roses is deader than dead.

This is a woman who likes little boys

He wears cow chaps?

post moar of these

Only have three more, but i'll post them.

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They don't make games anymore, get it through your fucking head already.

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>pachinko machine
Sorry Reddit, pachinko is based

Get off your cooming for a second and appreciate the legend who designed the girls, without arms he drew them with his mouth, the man passed away but his work left a mark.

>pachinko is based
Fuck off vegas, filthy addict.

I do appreciate him for giving me my waifu(s).

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She entered the ring like 90’s Shawn Michaels.

Back then I thought the Rumble Roses girls were ahead of Dead or Alive in terms of visuals, the girls had better curves and even proper skin dents, while the DOA girls were still rocking the anime doll visuals and their curves didn’t mesh well with their clothes; Rumble Roses had plenty of potential, it was sad to see it crumbling with the divisive sequel and Konami eventually giving up on proper video games altogether.

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That's what I liked about RR as well, the women were designed with details, like look at this picture. You can tell they have a hint of muscle to them, without them being hulkish in terms of polygons & texture work to show that.

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Generic or not, I post the true best girl of Rumble Roses.

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Admittedly, I didn't think any of the ladies in RR were anything less than hot as fuck.

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This. While i do have my favorite, none of them are really that bad.

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reminder that the rumble roses artist was a quadriplegic who drew with his mouth and that he died a few years ago

You're a bit late, see

Bad girl
Best girl

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Anesthesia for me

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