What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Best muscle
>decent blast
>twice as fast
Who wouldn't pick Dino? Literally high Damage AND Speed.
why wouldn't you pick laserface
>decent life
>high blast and range
>able to tank hits with its decent guard
What if we made them fight?
I choose Blorf.
objectively best option
no enough mina
V-video games?
All the good guys left.
I remember this
The novelty of seeing the little guys fight wore off and it became about the people who regularly participated
Just like with every drawfag community
ive dipped in these threads a few times and lemme as:
is this a real thing or is it one of those things where you design monsters and pretend theres a real game?
it's a real thing
people have tried to make a game out of this but were either too ambitious or gave up immediately
i miss the unlikely heroes
that was like, the peak of Zig Forumsermin for me
you made the monsters, hosts put them into games and you watched CPUs fight
Fun premise turned into a never ending circlejerk
>either too ambitious or gave up immediately
yeah that sounds about right
>all of the good hosts left
Postin classic Zig Forumsermin
Did argumon ever get finished? I remember having fun with it.
I think that one was finished afterall
I remember how pissed everyone was about Skeletrons ability
Not as much as mr mats's ability
It was the greatest thing I've ever saw.
Blorf can handle both of those fucks
At least we don't get as much fakemon shitposters
Thats great, but not as good as THIS