Here's that Resident Evil Netflix show you asked for, bro!

What the fuck is this garbage

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>Could have a kino af zombie show with lore from the games, a group of survivors similar to Outbreak as they have to deal with zombies, BOWs and Umbrella soldiers
>Fanfiction about Wesker's daughters and "New Raccoon City"
It's almost ridiculous how easy they fuck this shit up

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All I know about Resident Evil is this David Bowie looking guy. What's his name again, Zig Forums?

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Duke Nukem

i dropped it the moment i saw the word sisters

My idea of a low budget RE netflix show is a RPD like crime show where they keep investigating weirder and weirder shit while Wesker is secretly subverting them and the season ends on them all boarding the helicopter to the mansion. From there they can make a season 2 in the mansion or a movie.