New Call of duty character customization allows you to select from 5 genders and enabled TBIPOC
New Call of duty character customization allows you to select from 5 genders and enabled TBIPOC
>Noooooo not more choice that's not allowed!
Only Zig Forums will hate this
>What is medicinal marijuana.
you should have bought titanfall instead of this cancerous cod garbage retard
>dead game
That's not choice, that's enabling people with mental issues in need of actual help
Not a cure, just used to alleviate symptoms.
That pipe is not for weed
>5 genders
This is true but the wait times are still low.
I hate clown world. Do people actually appreciate this?
>xim/xer and pho/phum pronouns
>during the cold war
This revisionist history bullshit is so fucking annoying. Time for turning Norwegian commandos into a single mom and her daughter again I suppose.
Libs are too weak to handle the thibking mans drug
You dont have to eat mcd's user no one is force feeding you mcnuggies
>call of duty hasn't been relevant for years on Zig Forums
>suddenly 8 trillion threads because gender
Who could be behind these posts?
It's amusing that they thought having 5 genders was a good idea when there are only 2.
five? what? isn't there just male, female and needs therapy?
Time to be on the wrong side of history again I guess
>Gotta thibk hard!
Not a real thing.
did he died?
Emphasis player choice.
Ok so this is just Activisions new thing at the moment that they think people want. because they are doing the same shit with wow.
r ignorance is showing.
>xir I need you to give those contras weapons so they can rape and kill a bunch of nuns
>they is our best agent when it comes to waterboarding vietnameses
>thou are going to stuff a plane full of cocaine and fly it to the US to finance death-squads in central america
I can hardly wait
So then pretty much no medicine is a cure. Got it.
There's only one gender
Women are things.
Prove it.
>thinking man's drug
>literally makes you more stupid even after the first hit
But muh concentration!
>concentrates on fapping for 20 hours
>concentrates on cleaning the house/scoring more meth/stuff that will never be of any use to anyone
The "tingles" you feel on meth are the result nerve cells dying. Meth causes your brain to look like swiss cheese. Even a year of semi-casual meth use will result in zombification, although not as bad as flakka. You do realize that you are smoking literal industrial waste, right?
If this game doesnt let me play as a transracial disabled otherkin im reporting treyarch for genocide
That's a blatant misrepresentation. You can customize your multiplayer character and choose either male, female or classified. Classified being the default option for people who don't give a shit about customizing their character and want a more classic COD experience.