Was this supposed to be hard?

was this supposed to be hard?

Attached: water-temple-zelda-oot.jpg (550x413, 20.3K)

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was this supposed to be good?

Attached: homo.png (1020x332, 142.67K)

A lot of people (brainlets) forget how to get to the water level panels and miss the key underneath the center room. It isn't hard, just frustrating if you miss a key and need to run to the panels to keep changing the water levels.

i did think the backtracking was a bit excessive

You can skip the path to the high level one if you have the Scarecrow Song (although you may need the Longshot, I can't remember). I think you only need to cycle through the entire sequence twice, but I haven't played OoT in a long time and may be wrong.

No, just annoying. Same usually goes for all underwater segments in every game.

My sister and I both beat that temple without any problems way back in the day

I really don't understand where the whole "le dark souls ultra hard water temple only real gamers understand this" memes came from

It was never hard it was tedious and if you didn't know about the floating block you'd get stuck there.

probably because it was either hard to 4 year olds or the older people playing it had no spatial awareness and they are the reason why everything has mini-maps now

it was when i was 5