ITT: Actual real secrets/things in games that sound like a fake rumor that "That One Kid" would've told you

ITT: Actual real secrets/things in games that sound like a fake rumor that "That One Kid" would've told you.

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first you go into the big tree in the swamp and find a fake wall, then you find another fake wall inside, then you go down the tree and unlock an underground sea level

beat the level and you can play as a dragon

>No dude, I’m telling you. Just shoot the dragon’s tail under the bridge for 5 minutes and you’ll get a sweet sword!

Didn't the back of the box or booklet mention there being a second place to visit? Kanto being in the game is not mind blowing but things like the mew glitch or Missingno being real when you try them were

you know the giant princess? shoot an arrow at her, she will disappear and everything will go dark! it's creepy as fuck

if you avoid your rival in emerald by teleporting from rustborogh after beating roxanne, your rival will be in Mr. Peeko's house waiting for you.

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if you jump off the lift when its halfway up, you can run back to the crows nest and she takes you back to the starting area where you fight a powerful version of the first boss! if you can beat it, you get one of the rarest upgrade materials

>if you wait long enough at the start of pokemon red/blue, you can get stuck in a wall during the cutscene when Oak brings you to the lab
Yeah ok Bradley, we totally believe you.

You can survive a fatal blow if you bind a healing item to your quickslot and hit the use button before your lifebar fully empties out.
It will put you into a weird state where the screen is black and white but all the hits you cause are crits and have very bloody red hitsmears.
If you get hit in this state you die instantly, but you can use a healing item to exit this state.

yeah sure dude, let me guess, your uncle that works at from software told you this

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I don't believe you

what game thats rad

Ghost Song

>DUDE if you beat the elite four AND all of the gym leaders in Kanto you get to unlock a secret area that lets you fight the main character from Red and Blue!
Really dude? You expect me to believe that?

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In Crash 2 if you keep jumping on the polar bear he'll give you a bunch of extra lives

Whole La Mulana was programmed by "that kid", there's so much cryptic shit in there

Getting Leo from FFVI in your party longer than the one scene.
Mentioned it more than once in threads like this, mostly because it WAS a fake rumor by 'that one kid' but people ended up finding a legit method many years later.

Attached: leo-portrait.png (128x156, 2.4K)

general weeo sux tho

In Persona 2 if you enter HASTURCOMEFORTH as your birthday you'll be able to summon Hastur

If you crouch on a white block you can go behind the level and get a secret item that lets you teleport straight to the final world.

Bro, I'm telling you to go find the michael jackson glyph

If you fly above the ghost house, you'll find a special level with free power ups and a yoshi that never runs out.

>tfw this eventually branches into World 9 rumors because everything doubtful was proven until that point and why would they give you more than enough flutes to get to 8?

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The Hell Temple unlock process is the only thing that springs to mind.

Dude i'm telling you, play the game for more than 48 hours and you can see a different opening, true story.

>it's real

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i feel like most souls quests are like this. always kind of a bummer that most of them were kind of uninteresting though. the only ones worth doing were ones that awarded things like titanite slabs or equivalents (like sig of catarina quest in das1)

>just go back and fall into the bottomless pit bro, it will unlock a secret level

Bro I'm not lying, beat 100 chapters in the game to unlock a hidden weapon. No man you can't cheat it in like anything else in the game you have to do it legit

Unlocking a Character in Mortal Kombat 1-3 was like that.

I dunno how no one has posted that Far Cry 4 one. Where you just wait for a minute or something in the intro, and the villain comes back and was telling the truth and is actually a good guy.

I didnt believe Silent Hill 2 true ending until I watched it years later on youtube.

If you catch all the pokemon in the safari zone and input the konami code at the statue you'll unlock nidogod.

I think the inverted castle is a good example of a huge secret that doesn't feel 'that guy'-tier
like they left enough hints in the game that there's something more to do
it's like if after you beat pokemon red/blue an npc told you "check under the truck ;)"

Suikoden 2: At the end of the prologue if you refuse to jump down the waterfall and fight the soldiers 108 times, then you'll be forced to jump down and the intro cutscene is in color instead of black & white

it actually works, but noone believed it for a long time until someone recorded doing the whole thing