TES Thread

Hopes on Elder Scrolls VI and others, post here

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Ability to have sex with an argonian

Picture this. It’s the 11th era. Tamriel is now a cyberpunk dystopia, and you’ll be able to have your own lusty argonian robot waifu. GOTY easily.

>bring back attributes and make races matter
>bring back layered clothing
>memorable and well-written companions
>guilds that require proficiency in their subject, warrior can't become leader of mage's guild
>no level scaling
>joining guilds bars you from joining others, guilds interact
>drop food on floor, someone or something (rats) pick it up or eat it
>can drop plates, vase on floor and it will smash
>can throw objects that smash and hurt people
>hands visible in all animations, opening containers, picking up objects
>corpses decompose over time
>actually decent AI
>AI that remembers what you do and acts on it
>if you kill an AI's family member they might hire mercenaries to kill you
>can knock on doors to talk to occupant/s
>being able to break doors down
>in-depth prison and legal system
>character can gain and lose weight, affects stats
>ability to break containers and furniture
>guilds are far more fleshed out and interact with each other
>sneaking in through windows or even go down a chimney
>zero loading screens, can enter all buildings without loading

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Bring back unarmed, layered clothing, spears, thrown. No more forcing story to unlock things that progress your character. (dragonrend). Let magic actually scale. Change the sneak system to be more dynamic. World building focus, less focus on main story.

You're expecting way too much for skyrim 2.

People say they want The Elder Scrolls VI: Tamriel. I’ll do you one better...


The biggest flaw I've found 150+ hours in special edition alone was that the cities were incredibly small - the college too...

There are npcs who for example say " I grew up on the streets of markarth", oh you mean THE street - THE ONLY STREET that exists in that "town"

The scale of things were a tad bit too small, I dont need to be able to go into every building but atleast flesh out these places.

I just hope to god its on a new engine

>bring back layered clothing
Wishful thinking
>no level scaling
>joining guilds bars you from joining others, guilds interact
What, like the Thieves and Fighters in Daggerfall or Morrowind? Oh wait
>can throw objects that smash and hurt people
Would make nu-Telekinesis useful
>hands visible in all animations, opening containers, picking up objects
It'd get boring fast, like in RDR2. Then again I haven't played Kingdom Come
>AI that remembers what you do and acts on it
That's such a broad concept, meaning?
>if you kill an AI's family member they might hire mercenaries to kill you
That's in Skyrim
>in-depth prison and legal system
Again, that's a broad concept. What would you add to the existing one?
>character can gain and lose weight, affects stats
That'd have to be tied with a survival mode where you have to actually eat, drink and sleep like iNeed or NV's Hardcore mode
>ability to break containers and furniture
Would probably get boring fast depending on where you fought
>sneaking in through windows or even go down a chimney
Particularly like this one
>zero loading screens, can enter all buildings without loading
Again, wishful thinking. This is the gamebryo we're talking about

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the weight thing was in Fable

How is TES online today?
Been today in cinema on LotR and feel the urge for some MMO. Thought about LotR online but it's outdated as hell and second thought is TES online.

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>That's such a broad concept, meaning?

meaning if you punch a merchant in the face, they're going to remember it and tell you to piss off
if you cause trouble in a tavern, the owner is going to have the guards or his protectors throw you out, stuff like that
in regards to prison, it would be interesting to have it be more than just picking the lock and walking out or sleeping it off. having your character die in jail, fail quests due to how long you're locked up, breaking out being very difficult and taking a lot of planning

It’s great if you like seeing rich pricks running around with their expensive perks

This shit will make game too hard and unenjoyable. TES is not hardcore rpg

Are you ready for
>quick time events
>armour being one or, at most, two pieces

Morrowind had problems. Despite being one of my favourite games, it had a lot of problems. But God, Skyrim makes me miss that style of game a lot.

NPCs already supposedly have a friendship meter that goes from archnemesis to lover or something like that, it's just that the differences between each are negligible. And for the prison bit, how many people actually go to jail in these games? Most probably load their save. In games these big you gotta wonder what's more worth spending dev time in. In a perfect world, sure, but Bethesda will shit the bed enough as is.

Simple things like the Mage's Guild not allowing you to advance in rank unless you actually had the required magic skills and levels under your belt. In Skyrim, you can become the head mage without knowing so much as a fireball.

fallout 4 had layered clothing, if bethesda is as lazy as i know they are it's probably coming back.

vents and shit you can crawl through

A good rpg game.

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All I want is skyrim but with better quests, guilds, speech/charisma, magic, acrobatics/athletics
Please for the love of god KEEP THE PERK SYSTEM

They said already it won't. Both Starfield (their next big game) and TES6 is confirmed to be on the same engine.

This would be almost like Warren Specter's idea of the 'single block RPG'. Basically, make the world smaller but pack it out with content and allow most doors to be openable.

Even if it was a giant piece of shit, Fallout 4 had armor sections for the chest, right and left arms independently, right and left legs independently and head. I expected nothing from nu-Bethesda but if there's one thing they should take from F4's criticisms, is that people liked that.

Prison system could include something like a trial depending on the severity of the crime. I think even Daggerfall had a primitive trial system.

Things like not being able to just pick a lock and walk out the door. Have differing consequences based on the crime. For example, murder should require escaping from prison because you're not going to realistically be out in a few days for killing someone.

never heard of that before, very interesting idea, I hope one day he's able to make a game like that, or someone is
Shadows of Doubt seems pretty similar now that I think about it, not out yet but it is incredibly simulated and deep

Morrowind's loading screens were very short. I understand it's more detailed now, but with games like God of War with no loading screens, there's no reason a triple A company like Bethesda can't do it too.

>fallout 4 had layered clothin
Yeah but I'm guessing he meant Morrowind's, ie shirt, pants, boots and belts all underneath the armor

He's said that nobody will give him the money to do it, and he's kind of glad because he wouldn't know how to do it properly anyway, it's just an idea. He tried to perfect it with games like System Shock and Deus Ex, but the technology just wasn't there at the time.

you'll get a race that matters alright

>bring back attributes
Please no. Skyrim's perk system is fine as it is. It just needs better perks and classes so that your character feels different from the get go

>Please for the love of god KEEP THE PERK SYSTEM
This but actually make the perks good

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I have like 800 hours across Skyrim LE and SE yet I’ve only actually beaten the game once back on release.
I just keep getting new character ideas and swapping to the point where I never advance.

>He's said that nobody will give him the money to do it
Honestly, Kickstarter would. As garbage as that system is most of the time, the exceptions have ended up giving us some great games, and you just know a bazillion of Deus Ex boomers would throw money at him for good reason. The idea that all these actually innovative vidya ideas are kept back due to publishers and Neil Druckmanns is repulsing to think about. Darkest timeline.

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>with games like God of War with no loading screens
That game has loading screens though, it just "masks" them in long foggy halways, so unless you those at the entrance of each town, I'll take TES loading screens any day of the week, especially given with each passing year those loading screens would be shorter and shorter due to better irl hardware than when the game came out.

A lot of people seem to drop repeat playthroughs at the level 30-50 mark, as it's when the build/roleplay cements and the monotony sets in

Thanks for the answer, then it's no