No risky rainy thread?
Risk of Rain 2
damn, 0 response, the game really is ded lol
Who's the easiest character to beat Mithrix with? I'm getting fucked by his rotating move in phase 3 with everyone I try on drizzle I just wanna unlock the captain and never fight him again. And I do play everything else on monsoon
Huntress so you can focus on dodging and not having to aim. You can spend the entire fight spamming while you concentrate on blinking through shit.
I think the threads moved to /vm/ or /vg/ is all
FemCap when
If phase 4 is the issue, Engineer since his turrets don't lose their shit. You can plop them down near him before he starts stealing your shit and then run around while they end him.
Arti and Rex can booth freeze/root him too, and Arti's execute even works on him for some reason
Just cheese him really hard, I did it on Rainstorm and it was fine (although it did take a while).
You basically just need any ranged attack and then get on top of those pillars he spawned after Phase 2 (I think) OR you get on a ramp, he's too retarded to go up the ramps so you just stay on top, wait for him to shoot his gatling and then get some free shots on him without having to worry about his shitty orbs at all. Just don't get greedy on damage and only shoot after he fired his volley.
You need to kill Mithrix on Monsoon for an item as well.
Just wreck him with tritip engineer.
Why is Captain so charismatic?
>risk of rain 1 has superior atmosphere, lore, music, and art
>gameplay sucks dick
>risk of rain 2 has good gameplay
>everything else sucks dick
all they had to do was make ror1 3D how did they fuck it up so hard?
>Try to get 20 levels as commando
>Get my ass kicked
>Decide to do it on Engineer
>Get fucked by overloading worm not once, but twice around level 18
>Get fucking killed at the last level again
objectively speaking the odds of Tougher Times failing twice in a row with 51 stacks are functionally nonexistent
subjectively speaking this is some fucking bullshit
just play MUL-T and run double rebar puncher. you can hold down the retool key for rapid fire rebar that just melts him, even without items.
No? That's not even 90% chance to block. Tougher times doesn't stack well.
Command artifact, stack syringes, crit lenses, scythes, brooches and ukeleles. GG enjoy cheesing 100 levels
>pretty good engi run
>grab visions of heresy because why not
>it affects my turrets too
He had a 85.7% chance to block twice, and didnt.
Thats some shit luck
Just use the artifact of command if you're desperate
Not really. It's bound to happen in a long game, especially against rapidly hitting attacks. If it was the rapid fire breath of the elder lemurian chances are they weren't even subsequent hits that killed him. Probably just got killed by a quick sequence of hits, most of which were blocked. At ~80 minutes in on monsoon basically any two hits will kill him if he doesn't immediately heal them off. He's playing loader so I bet he either face tanked it or got caught on the enemy somehow which just breathed a fuckload of fire down his throat or gave him the classic elder lemurian fireball bonanza which initially hits you and then explodes on the ground behind you for a wombo combo.
>be on console
When's it coming, bros?
Sorry, meant consecutive not subsequent. Brain no work
Captain's meshes are just too big for feeble consoles.
True, I was just thinking raw percentage and completely forgot that it was an elder lemurian, poor guy was dead no matter what
never hotpoo took the money and ran
>Risk of Rainddit
It makes them better retard
Never take morebthan one tho
you didn't even try with that one, dude
post memes
dumb cunt, why did you just not say Risk of Reddit