Characters who are too good for the games they're in
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Pretty much every Pokegirl.
Best Fallout 4 character by leaps and bounds
>Hilda and Cynthia in S tier
Extremely based
Wish he wasn't stuck in a shitty game like X
Shoutouts to Creighton and Gilligan too
Xenoblade 2 is a fantastic game and your contrarian shit is old.
Xenoblade 2 is a fine game but Zeke mogs every single character in terms of quality it's not even funny
Meh, they're all good in their own right. Even Rex isn't nearly as bad as people give him credit for. Only character I think is underwhelming is Mythra
The devs must have agreed since they made a whole expansion to flesh out her character.
Rex is awful.
Rex is like a 4/10
But he isn't the 1/10 people normally give rank him as
Rex is great. Literally one of the most engaging and interesting JRPG protagonists in years.
Funny how you guys never have an actual argument for this statement.
Didn't help since she killed thousands only to fall asleep immediately and wake up a bitchy tsun
Name 1 (one) reason that isn't "he's a generic shounen!"
Fucking this
>Claire on S
Holy fuck based
he's a generic no parents protag fighting for a girl
>don't use buzzwords
>uses buzzwords
Rex isn't awful, just mediocre. He's awful when compared to Shulk though.
Unironically this.
I literally couldn't get invested in a single important character in TLOU2 but this fat boomer was the highlight of the game and he literally did nothing wrong
He's not generic at all though. And his relationship with Pyra/Mythra starts out purely as give and take since he wants to prove Elysium is real to try and save Alrest, and they can get him there. Obviously their relationship develops beyond that. Also he literally was set on just giving up at one point in the story because he felt he wasn't competent enough to help them anymore. I'll say it again and again as many times as necessary: Rex is a great protagonist, and no amount of insisting otherwise will change that.
how the FUCK is rex engaging? Hes literally the incarnation of all the most overused shonen MC tropes. I love XC2, but Rex is a miserable main character and is one of the driving factors that hold the game back.
Shulk is a terrible protag so that isn't a good comparison
>he's not generic though
>describes how generic he is
okay now you're just baiting
thanks for saving me from further replying
Why are XC1 and XC2 fans on this board always at each others throats? I know it's Zig Forums and all, but I enjoy both games and their characters. Tribalism is fucking stupid.
Zeke is about on the level as everyone else in XB2
Id say Malos is definitely the one who stands out both in terms of charisma but also writing quality
I feel like people have rose-tinted goggles for Shulk, only remembering him for being the based revenge protagonist who can scream good. He gets progressively more and more wishy washy over the course of the story, especially when it comes to his visions, literally always inconveniencing everyone else around him by not saying what he saw despite promising like 30 different times to let everyone know so they can figure shit out together. By the time Fiora is saved, his character arc is pretty much over. After that, his character just becomes a catalyst for exposition. I'm not saying he's a bad character, but he has just as many faults as Rex.
What do you mean? He's the most by the books generic protag out there
Fuck you, all poke girls are S tier
You're not wrong, but some are still better than others.
to say that and claim Rex Pilkington is any different is hypocritical
I do too, and I'm the one writing all the walls of text. I just like to hash out my exact feelings for characters, and an anonymous image board where ridicule for opinions has no weight is the perfect place to do that.
He's not like that at all though
I'm interested in why you think that. I think he has some characteristics of a shounen protagonist, but I think there's more to him than just that.
Best driver and best blade.
what are you talking about you fucking nigger X is the best Xenoblade game
and I love Nagi too lmao. His affinity mission is awesome
X was terrible. A complete waste of them. He didn't deserve to be in that shitty game
It's okay user, I like Rex too :) the hero isn't supposed to be perfect right from the start. He's meant to grow
A man of taste
Almost everyone in XC2, user. Almost everyone.
Stupidly optimistic, check
Teenage, check
Everyone loves him, check
Loves and values his fwiends, check
Passionate/emotional, check
Hard working and always helping others check
There's nothing about him thats interesting. He doesnt feel believable as a person, and as a result I didnt really care during any of the "emotional" scenes that involved him.