Shmup thread, what are you playing?

Shmup thread, what are you playing?

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This dick

This is why I need a /vniche/, /vr/ don't play and we get faggots like 522649952


Nothing, I suck at them. How do I get better?

Keep practicing.
One thing I found is to find the game you really like instead of flailing

Ikaruga has a myriad of flaws that I can't understand why people seem to ignore. Scoring system is frankly crap; color-based enemy chaining means you have to perfectly shoot in the order Treasure wants you to, unless you want to break your chain by shooting whatever you feel like (or the even lamer option of having to let enemies pass you by because you're afraid of getting a broken chain). So prepare to play like a robot if you ever want to score well in Ikaruga, where routes are even more strict and less interesting than Dodonpachi. But hey, at least it's not as bad as Silvergun's scoring. It also has the infamy of being called super difficult because the game gives you absolutely no items once, so the only way to get extends is first learning the ins and outs of the game in order to score well. However, by then you should be able to no-miss Ikaruga anyways, so what was the point in learning? Now the polarity mechanics are awful because swapping colour invalidates practically all bullet patterns in the game, since you can just absorb everything in your way rendering whatever looks impossible meaningless. This seems neat at first until it becomes a chore to soak up every bullet on screen to raise your score, after you cope with the fact that it turns survival play into a boring cakewalk. Boss designs are rubbish save for the first and last dudes. Mooks have no life to them; most don't even shoot at you and simply drift away. This plus the color-based chaining system makes it feel more like playing a puzzle game instead of an actual shmup. Not to mention the fact that it's grossly overrated due to its OST and graphics (if you dig sepia tones making backgrounds look like dogshit) by casuals who hardly even play shmups. Ikaruga's simply a poor game that for some reason has a cult following that loves to bitch at you if you ever happen to question the quality of their beloved masterpiece.

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Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve. if you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

Ikaruga is the newest of the series to date, and more of the same. The "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious shmup player. Like the prequels, Ikaruga is geared towards casual gamers... and towards those who are amused by spaceships whom walk upright, wear human cloths, and don't do anything besides kick the crap out of each other. *crickets*

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic shmups will quickly pass on Ikaruga. Other top shmups, namely Dodonpachi, Batrider and Garegga have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is Ikaruga just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper shooting engine, levels in Ikaruga seem to rely heavily on "who can get their absorb move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out shmup mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," Ikaruga might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

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>tfw no /vniche/ so i can actually talk about these games
They're too hardcore for the casual Zig Forums and /vr/ audience, a general is cancer and doesn't fit anywhere else

Im down for this, i dont care if shmup threads end up with touhou niggers either, just give me a board where we can talk about these kind of harder to get genre without having to deal with faggots

What is the BEST shmup ever made?

Touhou niggers are based if they talk ahout the games
2hu games are great too

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How's the emulation of Raystorm on Saturn?
You're favourite :)
Although people seem to consider Ketsui, Daioujou and Radiant Silvergun to be the best among some others.
In my experience touhou fans actually talk about the games heaps, but /vr/ """"""shmup players""""" are the ones gossiping and preening instead of actually playing or discussing games

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Too bad Cave is dead.

>Touhou niggers are based if they talk ahout the games
I agree, and I enjoy them. But just bringing up touhou used to be the sign of death for the shmup general back then

I finally got Deathsmiles on Steam and it's pretty okay but the difficulty seems really inconsistent and I'm not sure which version I should be playing
my favorites are still DaiOuJou and Mushi Futari
Ikaruga sucks

>blaming the touhou lads for that general
>not you know who
Come on user

I used to like shmups.
But modern shmups are all about moar bullets and fancy patterns instead of interesting levels design.

Trying way too hard
Just bee urself :)
t. someone that knows nothing about the genre
You sound like the kind of retard that says fighting games used to be simple before modern ones.

well to be fair, a lot of things went wrong with that general

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I am beeing myself though :(

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Nobody gives a fuck about your high scores on Zig Forums so better acting like an elitist on reddit.

Someone explain this post. What the fuck is this guy on about

does Robotron 2084 count? because I've been playing a lot of that lately
what a fucking great game

I keep buying shmups but I don't like to play them, I just hate grinding stages and patterns for hours, I just get a clear on normal and stop playing
why am I like this

I want to 1cc Raystorm, what's the best version?

>Nobody gives a fuck about your high scores on Zig Forums
>genre mostly based on scoring systems

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this is better than the /vr/ thread

Stand aside

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Thanks but it's not hard to be better than a bunch of gossiping non-players.

I've been practicing the earlier Darius games and I'm reminded how much I fucking hate piranhas

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Can any of you gigafaggots find a better Shmup track than this Probably not


What a retard.
Well shit, that was easy