Started playing this game, pretty good, I am getting destroyed by this big snake boss for now.
Any tips for a beginner, things you wished you had known sooner ? Game is full of mechanics, I don't really get how to be optimal
Started playing this game, pretty good, I am getting destroyed by this big snake boss for now
Other urls found in this thread:
that boss teaches you to block
so block
yes: uninstall, resell and play Sekiro instead.
Nioh 2 is as much of a piece of shit as its predecessor.
sekiro is boring
this but replace Sekiro with Nioh 1
its better than 2
I guess you didn't see there was already a thread, but it's ok most people playing this game seem to be unable to read. Specifically the bottom of the screen in every menu it tells you the buttons, including a sorting option and a help option that explains everything. Use it extensively if you need info, no one else seems to. Now onto the more important things, the game has tutorials and a menu for refreshing on all of them. Play through all of them. There are a lot of mechanics, but don't assume you have to be constantly progressing through the game just because things die too fast (they will, the game is only balanced and designed around Level 1 weapons). Take your time and practice things one at a time, but don't rest on your laurels.
To begin with, the most important things are: Ki Pulsing. Do it all the time. If you don't need to dodge, you Ki Pulse. Learn your stances, they are all useful and important for every weapon and give you a much wider moveset, while still being straightforward enough in their strengths to start using right away. Blocking is just as if not more effective than dodging, which is affected by your stance. Simply dashing out of the way is equally a valid option, enemies have attacks that are better dealt with using each of these options, so make use of them all. Your Yokai abilities (Burst Counter, and the Soul Cores) are invaluable for Ki management in offense and defense, and they can cancel any other animation.
The snake in particular is a test on stance usage, Ki management and knowing how to handle multiple targets. Stay patient and use what was mentioned above.
Nioh isn’t shit, but it is kind of the junk food equivalent of dark souls. Sekiro is completely different kind of game, don’t listen to this stupid faggot.
Did you play the first one, user?
Blocking and dashing are more important than dodging.
I recommend using brute for your first run of the game because it is easiest to interrupt with, if you didn't pick it at start you get a new brute guardian spirit right after that level.
When Dark world goes up that is when you use your yokai stuff because they arent affected by the debuffed ki recovery and you regain anima faster.
If the arena is filled with poison go exploring more and break more statues to drain it. Good idea to uave status healing consumablea at the ready.
I recommend locking on to the head or not at all, otherwise you won't have a good view of when to back up whole you attack the boss.
Learm the boss ki mechanics,
Getting a quick shot on its head with a bow helps you with its ki, attacking it qith melee works too. Most bosses have a glowjng amrita chunk you can break like that.
How's the katana game in Nioh? Looking to buy 1 and 2 for my PS4 Pro.
They're fairly different games when you look beneath the surface, fuck off.
I think its base moves might be the favorite, but most of its skills are counters while other weapons have more interestimf options
I just want something that can compensate my Souls itch until I get Sekiro and Nioh seems pitch perfect. Love the setting and the weapons seem real cool, there's also plenty of wicked builds you can do and I can get the game for 15 dollars, if that, so seems like a no brainer, really.
When the snake does the attack with the smaller snakes popping out of the ground, make sure you're attacking the big snake by the side so you're chipping away at the smaller snake's health as well. Hopefully you'll be able to kill one or both of the snakes by the time he activates the dark realm.
Also during this phase, don't be too timid about when he comes towards you. When his head is down and he's slithering your way, that's you cue to smack the top of his head which will make him retreat.
It's my favourite weapon in the game. It covers the jack of all trades sort of role but has some extremely fun tricks to it like the multiple Iai skills and some mobile followups, as well as multiple satisfying parries. The thing just oozes style constantly.
It has plenty of other options besides it's parries though.
>The thing just oozes style constantly.
Sold, now just to wait until 15th of September to start playing the shit out of it.
If you have mezuki using it right at about the moment the snake enters the dark realm you can kill the little snakes in one hit, pretty useful since they take health from the boss bar.
>I just want something that can compensate my Souls itch
This game doesn't do that. This game is it's own thing entirely, focusing much more heavily on indepth combat and highly variable build mechanics. Going into it expecting it to just be another Souls-style game with a different paintjob is an all too common recipe for disaster, but actually learning the game for what it is and playing it much more like a proper stylish action game, or I suppose a journey in how stupidly broken you can get if that appeals to you, is what makes the game truly special. There's plenty of both aspects to the game you can find on Youtube though if you want some incentive to do so.
Fun game. It would be one of the best games of all time if they listened to fans and got rid of the diablo loot. Shame, hopefully they’ll learn on the next game if they are lucky enough to get one.
I've already been in a few Nioh threads and a lot of people said the two couldn't be more different once you get into details, but this game is still compared to SoulsBorne and -like titles so that's where I was coming from. Anyway, it does look like the combat system gives the player a lot to play with and that's precisely what made me interested into picking it up, as well as the setting, Want to fulfill my gajin katana fantasies and looks like this is as good as it gets.
Has anyone played Code Vein? I kinda wanted too for the cute grills but now I already played a cute grill Hide
Cool, just making sure you know what you're in for. The sheer wealth of things you can do with the combat system big and small is pretty incredible, but the game very much gives out precisely what you put into it, and that manifests itself in many ways. Hope you enjoy them when you get around to playing them, the one thing I'd want to recommend is to consider sticking with the level 1 weapons you can get in the first missions, I didn't quite try it in Nioh 1 and took too long before deciding to stop upgrading my equipment, but the base damage is a bit overtuned in both games for what the combat system is designed around and allows you to do, which is immensely satisfying to pull off particularly when it's allowed to be the focus. But that's something you can judge for yourself at the time.
As someone who played most of the non-From Soulsborne clones, I don't recommend any of them to Soulsborne fans.
They're either very different from a gameplay and design standpoint (Nioh, Remnant) or are lacking on a certain aspect like content, length, aesthetics, weapon and gear variety (Code Vein, The Surges; From's games tend to be the complete package).
I've never seen a Soulsborne fan enjoy any of the clones and I were you I would stick to From's titles or wait for Sekiro / Elden Ring.
If you're not very autistic, just drop the game and play one that's actually good, like Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima.
Surely everyone you see in a Nioh thread is also a FromSoft fan anyway?
It seems this door must be opened from the other side.
why would you waste stamina when most yatsu attacks can be easily avoided by dashing?
dude iai lmao
No, not at all. If they were they wouldn't be playing Nioh in the first place, instead posting how you should be playing a From game instead.
Even when I have an obscene amount of hours on From's games I don't consider myself a Soulsborne fan for that reason.
It's a bit of a jump to go from "I am a fan of these FromSoft games" to "FromSoft games are the fucking best and Nioh blows!!" That's conflating being a fan with being some kind of elitist.
Get good at reading your Ki-pulse because it's the lynchpin of the entire game. Once you have your timing down (and the right upgrades) you can almost attack for forever. Odachi is great for learning to stance dance. Also phantom has an amazing counter, learn it's timing and you can devour enemy Ki, it's basically just Royal guard.
Also I'm seeing a lot of sekiro and GoT posts, ignore them because they're just shitposters. They're all entirely different games, Nioh is closer to DMC than it is Sekiro.
>reuses levels from the first game that were already overused multiple times
what the fuck were they thinkning?